1661: Legendary Adventurers, Futuristic Saviors – Chapter Thirteen, Part Two

Title: Legendary Adventurers, Futuristic Saviors
Author: Stone-Man85
Media: Movie
Topic: Princess Mononoke
Genre: Adventure/Romance
URL: Chapter Thirteen
Critiqued by SC, Scarlet, and Sir Paulo Rori

Hello, and welcome back (finally!) to Legendary Adventurers, Futuristic Saviors, by Stone-Man85! I’m your host, SC, and my God, am I ready to get back to this.

Before that, though, a few things are going to be different with this riff:

-Due to the fact that I could only riff small bits and pieces of chapters at a time with my phone, much of this riff has dragged on for far longer than was necessary. With my new laptop, I should be able to cut down on that crap substantially.

-Also due to the fact that I could only riff small bits and pieces with my phone, there were frequently times where the riff was either really boring or really frustrating, without much in between to break up the monotony, hence why I put it on hold for so long in the first place. That should clear up with my new laptop as well, since I can riff bigger chunks at a time, now.

-From now on, there’s only going to be two riffing guests, and they won’t be interchanging every week like what was happening before. Looking back now, it was honestly more of a “dude, really?” thing than a “hey, this is pretty neat” thing like I was going for.

And on that note, let’s introduce our permanent new riffing buddy! You guys already know Paulo well enough, I should hope.

Paulo: So should I, seeings as how I have been present since chapter one.

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