2851: Hatchling carer – Chapter 7

Title: Hatchling carer
Author: lunabloodmoon666
Media: Movie
Topic: Jurassic Park
Genre: Romance/Adventure
URL: Chapter 7
Critiqued by: Ghostcat





Greetings once again, dear Patrons, and welcome back to the fic! We’re drizzling down to the tail-end; only two more after this one.

In the previous chapter, quite a lot of nothing happened and ALex started having “adult feelings” for Check because reasons, and possibly because fetishism.

To the fic.

I only own Alex

I would say that she’s a strong, independent woman who don’t need no one, but that is very much not how these fics go.

Alex POV


Still all in the same perspective.

After my little break down Check had calmly kept me warm and gave the occasional nudge or lick absently.

Using the adverb “absently” completely changes the tone, since it implies that he is just making these gestures because she is there and not out of any “adult feelings” he might be having. I’m all for the change in tone, since it is less creepy, but I doubt it was intentional.

Currently, I was sat in his nest and he was curled around me while his head rested on mine looking around for any dangers, I was leaning against his body and my head rested on his shoulder as I remembered me and my brother and how different we were.

Everyone in this fic has the skeletal structure of a jellyfish.

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2850: Hatchling carer – Chapter 6

Title: Hatchling carer
Author: lunabloodmoon666
Media: Movie
Topic: Jurassic Park
Genre: Romance/Adventure
URL: Chapter 6
Critiqued by: Ghostcat




Welcome back, dear Patrons!

In the previous chapter, Alex followed the raptors to a surprisingly well-established nesting site given that they have only been out of their containment for less than a day, the alpha male Check was moderately creepy, and then Alex fainted after she realized that Check has decided to make her his mate. Because reasons.

I only own my OC Alex.

The disclaimers are getting shorter and shorter, as are the chapters.

Alex POV


Seriously, why does every chapter have one of these? The perspective NEVER CHANGES!!!!

I awoke to being nudged, when I managed to open my eyes I saw Check looking at me with his reptilian eyes almost glowing with glee.

Well, that’s not creepy.

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2849: Hatchling carer – Chapter 5

Title: Hatchling carer
Author: lunabloodmoon666
Media: Movie
Topic: Jurassic Park
Genre: Romance/Adventure
URL: Chapter 5
Critiqued by: Ghostcat



Yello, dear Patrons, and welcome to another chapter!

This one marks the halfway point, and in the previous chapter the alpha Check and other velociraptors whose names I can’t bother remembering gathered the baby velociraptors and then left the visitor’s center to head towards what I assume will be the nesting area even though the velociraptors have been kept in a concrete box for most of their lives and only started roaming free the night before, but whatever. And also Alex was there, because someone has to name the velociraptors, I guess. They certainly don’t need her to open doors since they managed fine all on their own.

To the fic!

I own nothing but Alex and the plot, thank you for the follows, faves and reviews.

One hundred and six reviews, just putting that out there again.

Alex POV


We were running through the trees, I assume Peach knew where we were going.

Is Peach the baby who they just liberated from a cat carrier? Because I don’t think following her would be a good idea in that case.

The four hatchlings were making sure to stay close to both myself and Peach who was going slower then her usual pace to make sure that the baby raptors didn’t get lost.

Yeah, it’s so the babies don’t get lost and not because you are from a weak-ass species that naturally-selected for endurance rather than speed. Just keep telling yourself that.

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2848: Hatchling carer – Chapter 4

Title: Hatchling carer
Author: lunabloodmoon666
Media: Movie
Topic: Jurassic Park
Genre: Romance/Adventure
URL: Chapter 4
Critiqued by: Ghostcat



Hello, and welcome back!

In the previous chapter, the plot had managed to stumble all the way to the point where the velociraptors attack the kids in the visitor’s center kitchen, where they were shoved in a cupboard “rescued” by our fearless Sue, Alex, who was then approached by what Alex assumes is the alpha male because she managed to figure out the entire twist of Jurassic Park in about ten seconds because reasons.

To the fic!

I own nothing but Alex. Thankyou for the faves, follows and reviews they really inspire me to update. :)

At last count, there are a hundred and six reviews for this fic. I didn’t read all of them, but they seem to mostly be favorable.

Alex POV


The fic has not, and likely will never, change perspectives. This is so far beyond pointless it is ridiculous.

I was shaking in fear as the rancid smell of rotten flesh wafted into my face causing me to cringe.

The power has been off for quite a long time and you’re in the kitchen – these things happen.

The raptors face was made up f hundreds of smooth scales which changes colours in the light giving him a enchanted yet dangerous look.

Is this a velociraptor or a character from Dragon Tales?

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