2794: The pale rider saga – Chapter 2 part 2

Title: The pale rider saga
Author: Baron Von willystien
Media: Movie
Topic: Twilight/Evil Dead series
Genre: Horror/Romance
URL: Chapter 2
Critiqued by: Ghostcat


Welcome to Chapter Two: Part Two; Electric Boogaloo, dear Patrons!

In the first brick of this chapter’s Wall-o-Text; a beer was thrown, there was a dog … :flips through notes: Damn but there are a lot of William variants in this. Will/Wyatt went out, talked to a Bill, acted a bit squirrely because he thought he saw something, and then came back to the house to find that Bella had left a note to say she had gone hunting.

I think that’s all. Laissez le bon médiocre temps rouler!

He put the note back down and looked around his dog was gone too.

Damn. Now you know things are serious.

He laughed thinking good she can walk him poor guy needs out more often.

Something tells me that Will/Wyatt doesn’t know what ‘hunting’ is, because it is slightly more intensive than just going for a walk.

He still felt like something was off like he was being watched.


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He picked up the 1897 Winchester and loaded the chamber.

Is this the same firearm he was playing with earlier? I guess we should be grateful he doesn’t leave loaded weapons just laying around the house. It’s not as if there are wandering deadites that might attack; he’s in an Officially Abandoned Area™, after all.

He heard thumping upstairs like footsteps.

It was actually a Slinky going down the stairs; they can do that, you know. Alone or in pairs!

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2793: Sakura: The Female Kaiju – Chapter Five

Title: Sakura: The Female Kaiju
Author: godzillagirl
Media: Movie
Topic: Godzilla
Genre: Romance/Drama
URL: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/2559529/5/ 
Critiqued by: Em Kay

Hello again, Librarians and fellow Patrons! I’m back with another chapter of the best kaiju fic in the Library, which is coincidentally the only kaiju fic in the Library.

Last time Mothra, the only female kaiju other than Sexy!GodzillaGirl, conveniently died of shut up. Then, during another fit of narcolepsy, someone left a campaign speech literally on Sexy!GodzillaGirl that promised world domination if elected and, oh yeah, Junior’s been kidnapped. She decided not to risk telling Godzilla in case he thought the kidnapping was her fault and wrote him a note stating it was her fault before heading for America… for some reason. Maybe she really likes Fahrenheit temperatures and imperial units?

This is the first sign of any kind of plot in this fic, so let’s see where the author goes with it.

Chapter 5: Ghidorah’s new queen

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2792: You’re Not Even Joking (Reader-Insert) – Oneshot

Title: You’re Not Even Joking (Reader-Insert)
Author: Bee66
Media: Cartoon
Topic: Powerpuff Girls
Genre: Fantasy/Romance
URL: You’re Not Even Joking (Reader-Insert)
Critiqued by TacoMagic

Hey, patrons!  Welcome to another Wednesday where we’ll be digging up another canon we haven’t done in a while: The Powerpuff Girls.  And, lucky for us, it’s a reader fic!

*Whirlybat von Flubbertybubble conspicuously suddenly has been here the entire time.*

Whirlybat: Why are you dragging me into this?

Hey, is wasn’t me who decided to star in this fic!  Speaking of which, you’re also in the summary.

Whirlybat raise an eyebrow at the fourteen boys who glare at each other but smiled sweetly to her.

Always the popular one.

Whirlybat: Jealous?

Absolutely not, there’s no way you could replace me!  See, I was never popular, so I’m envious.

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2791: A Turian’s Duty — Chapter 5

Title: A Turian’s Duty
Video Game
Mass Effect
Chapter 5
Critiqued by

Hello hello all you patrons, and welcome back to A Turian’s Duty.

Last time, Cuckoo Vakarian managed to lead his fellow trainees to confusing Pyrrhic(?) victory(??) in a solitary exercise, and had a PTSD freakout. The rest of basic training was mercifully skipped, and he got assigned to a unit of naval infantry whose other members I have already forgotten. The boarded a ship and basically sat around somewhere in the more formless parts of Citadel Space to wait for something to happen, during which time Cuckoo built a drone which is sure to be very annoying should the author remember its existence for more than a paragraph. Finally something did happen (for a very weak definition of “happen” anyway), and Cuckoo’s squad got sent to assist a ship in distress. It turned out that the crew had been taken hostage by The White Death™, a group of self-hating batarians who use ineffective poisons and are famous for never taking hostages.

This all brings us to Chapter Five, ‘Downtime’.

I almost shudder to imagine what this will entail, given that the previous four chapters are apparently what the author thinks uptime is like.

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2790: Halo: the Art of War – Chapters 1 and 2

Title: Halo: the Art of War [sic]
Author: Havoc-legionnaire
Media: Video Game
Topic: Halo
Genre: Sci-Fi / Adventure
URL: Chapters 1 and 2
Critiqued by: BadJamags AdmiralJamags and GoodJamags JLT. TroyJamags

Hello hello all you patrons! We’re heading into some uncharted territory starting this week with a terrible HFY fic!

*GoodJamags shambles in, wearing poorly-fitting armor suspiciously resembling that of a UNSC Marine Corps Junior Lieutenant*

“But AdmiralJamags, haven’t we done a million of these?”

… Where did you-

“Don’t ask, just follow the script.”

Uh, OK. As I was saying, I don’t think we’ve actually done a pure Halo HFY fic just yet. And that’s a little surprising, given how much influence seems to bleed into Mass Effect HFY from Halo.

Anyway, this thing is one of the TVTropes Fanfic Recommendation Page’s Greatest Hits, so let’s try it on for size. Roll the summary!

AU. One small divergence, the smallest of errors, and the balance of fate tips. It is 2552. Reach is spared, for now. Operation Red Flag goes forth. The Covenant will learn that this war that they have started 27 years ago have only just begun.

Well, grammar errors in the summary are always a great sign.

Now, I do have to put a caveat on this that this is based on some expanded universe material that I haven’t actually read, so I may need some help here, but I get the impression it’s kind of wandering off to do its own insane thing.

“All that out of the way, let’s hit the fic:”


Oh, sorry. Let’s hit the disclaimer.

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