2662: Hexed Wolf – Chapter 13, Part 2

Title: Hexed Wolf
Author: IrishSmurf
Media: Cartoon
Topic: Scooby-Doo!
Genre: Supernatural / Mystery
URL: Chapter 13
Critiqued by BatJamags

Hello once again, patrons! I’m your host, BatJamags, and I’m back with a fic snarkily nicknamed Scooby Sue! We resume unlucky Chapter 13 in progress.

Scooby, Shaggy and the others were fast asleep, curled up in blankets on the floor, couch or chair.

What, did they have Situationally Dependent Quantum Sleeping Arrangements?

Thorn, Dusk and Luna were upstairs in Thorn’s room asleep.

Does this house not have any guest rooms?

Or at least Thorn was trying to get to sleep but her mind was wondering greatly. Why couldn’t she remember anything of today? The last thing she could recall was falling asleep upstairs. Usually she remembered a concert day but for some reason she was drawing a blank.

Wait, did she only lose the last twenty-four hours? I think everybody knew some shit was about to go down before then. So why don’t they remember that?

And what was wrong with Jaguar? The woman seemed distant, almost haunted, for lack of a better term.


There was something that her love wasn’t telling her and she wanted to know what it was. But would the Hunter ever tell her?

Probably not.

The singer stopped her pondering when she heard footsteps outside her door. Getting up and quietly exiting she noticed a light under Jaguar’s door. Creeping towards it she knocked softly. There was a quick shuffling of something then silence before the door opened to show Jaguar.

Actually, what’s Jaguar Sue even doing back here?

“Thorn? What is it?”

A little pointy bit that grows on a plant, but that’s not important right now.

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2661: Jurassic Twilight – Chapter 5

Title: Jurassic Vampires
Author: twilightfanjm
Media: Book/Movie
Topic: Jurassic Park/Twilight
Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Family
URL: Chapter 5
Critiqued by Ghostcat


Hello, dear Patrons, and welcome to another chapter!

There was lots of vague excitement in the previous chapter; a hint that the Indominus is either a giant wolf or can turn into a giant wolf (or at least has giant wolf paws) and then Indominus escapes and shenanigans will likely ensue.

Chapter 5: Monster


Either the author is getting very lazy with the POV Tags or they think their Sue is a monster. Oh, hold on!

:digs through Bag-o-Memes:

There we go.

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2660: Two Sith Lords and an Elf revised – Day (Chapter) Five

Title: Two Sith Lords and an Elf revised
Author: Master Darth Warious – Lady of Chaos
Media: Book/Movie
Topic: Lord of the Rings/Star Wars
Genre: Adventure / Fantasy / Hot Mess
URL: Two Sith Lords and an Elf revised
Critiqued by TacoMagic

Welcome back!  So, who’s ready for more nothing fic?

Tough, you’re getting more anyway.

Last time it turned out, much to everyone’s lack of surprise, that Sueio wasn’t dead but was rather in an out-of-body teleconference with her dead boss.  They have a conversation that boils down to: “Do what you’ve been doing, but only more so!  Oh, and snog the elf, it’ll be funny.”  As ordered, she snogs the elf and then they spend a day in uncomfortable silence because that shit is riveting to read about.

And that brings us to Monday.

Day 5

It was Monday…

So it was…

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2659: Mass Murder Effect: The First War Crime (Was Committed by the Protagonists) — Chapter 17 Part 1

Title: Mass Effect: The First War
Author: ProfFartBurger
Media: Video Game
Topic: Mass Effect
Genre: Adventure/Sci-Fi
URL: Chapter 17
Critiqued by AdmiralSakai

Hello hello all you patrons, and welcome back to Mass Effect: The First War.

Last time the Stumans continued their confusing, unnecessarily brutal and also brutally unnecessary ground invasion of Palaven. They captured the Primarch, which apparently is worthy of more morally-grey navel-gazing than the saturation bombing of major population centers, and are deporting the populations of turian cities en masse to parts unknown.

Also I think the Council finally found out about the Stumans’ paper-thin distraction involving cutting off Thessia’s communications, and the Stumans with the bomb in the underlevels of the Wards killed a bunch of C-SEC officers which is clearly not going to attract even more attention or anything.


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2658: Hexed Wolf – Chapter 13, Part 1

Title: Hexed Wolf
Author: IrishSmurf
Media: Cartoon
Topic: Scooby-Doo!
Genre: Supernatural / Mystery
URL: Chapter 13
Critiqued by BatJamags

Hello once again, patrons! I’m your host, BatJamags, and I’m back with the Thirteenth Chapter of Scooby-Sue!

I’m here with Ka-

Uh, Kane?


*A glowing, hovering, disembodied hand floats into the Riffcave and makes a rude gesture*

I guess he left after the warlock character got killed.

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