2854: Justice league as high school students – Oneshot

Title: Justice league as high school students
Author: emeral-sea
Media: Animated series; misfiled as Comic book
Topic: Justice League animated series; misfiled as DC Superheroes
Genre: Romance / Drama
URL: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1461885/1/Justice-league-as-high-school-students
Critiqued by BatJamags

*After months of disuse, the Library lies dark. A lone figure, clad mysteriously in a billowing duster and wide-brimmed hat, steps into a riffing chamber, and-*




Holy fuck, hasn’t anybody dusted in here?

Um, so… I’m not dead, I guess. Are you dead?

I’m going to take the eerie silence and distant wind that sounds disconcertingly like a human scream as a “no” and riff something, because hell, I’ve missed this place.

Anyway, hello once again, patrons! I’m your surprisingly still not dead host, BatJamags, and I’m actually doing a riff again, I guess? If I get back into the swing of contributing regularly, I’ll probably restart Halo: the Art of War and The Shadow Warriors, but for now I’m just throwing together a oneshot riff to see if anybody’s still paying attention.

I cast around the comic section a little and dug up a microscopic little blip of a fic. It’s an old enemy of mine: The dreaded high school AU. “Old” is an operative word, too; I picked it because it was one of the most-reviewed fics under 5,000 words in the section, though looking ahead I can’t really parse why. Let’s take the summary for a spin and see what we’re in for.

read and review please…the titile says it all

Well, it’s… concise?


Let’s start with Chapter 1, entitled “Default Chapter” in an eloquent deconstructivist metacommentary on the artificiality of narrative.

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2792: You’re Not Even Joking (Reader-Insert) – Oneshot

Title: You’re Not Even Joking (Reader-Insert)
Author: Bee66
Media: Cartoon
Topic: Powerpuff Girls
Genre: Fantasy/Romance
URL: You’re Not Even Joking (Reader-Insert)
Critiqued by TacoMagic

Hey, patrons!  Welcome to another Wednesday where we’ll be digging up another canon we haven’t done in a while: The Powerpuff Girls.  And, lucky for us, it’s a reader fic!

*Whirlybat von Flubbertybubble conspicuously suddenly has been here the entire time.*

Whirlybat: Why are you dragging me into this?

Hey, is wasn’t me who decided to star in this fic!  Speaking of which, you’re also in the summary.

Whirlybat raise an eyebrow at the fourteen boys who glare at each other but smiled sweetly to her.

Always the popular one.

Whirlybat: Jealous?

Absolutely not, there’s no way you could replace me!  See, I was never popular, so I’m envious.

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2778: Anon-A-Miss — Pages 41 – 51

The comic under review today is a professionally published work by IDW Comics. Portions of it are reproduced here for the purposes of criticism and analysis only. We encourage those who are interested to seek out an original copy.
Seriously. IDW does good work, and you should buy their comics.

Title: My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Holiday Special or something
A whole lot of people working for IDW Comics
My Little Pony / Equestria Girls
Holiday or Family, maybe?
IDW Store Link
Critiqued by
AdmiralSakai and Serketry

Hello hello all you patrons, and welcome back to the My Little Pony Holiday 2014 Comic.

Last time, Applejack had some embarrassing personal information leaked all over the school on an embarrassingly-named Facebook clone, followed by pictures taken of everyone making fools of themselves in Rarity’s rejected costume designs. The perpetrator? A mystery account named “Anon-A-Miss”.

And then everyone blamed Sunset Shimmer for the posts. To be fair, the evidence is pretty damning. 

Yeah, and it’s not like she has a history of using elaborate false-flags to get what she wants or anything.

Yeah, exactly, she- wait, almost forgot to introduce myself again. Howdy y’all, I’m Serketry, and I haven’t left this rollie chair in six months. 

Wait, but Nina was using that rollie-chair when we did the Christmas Lovecraft riff.

Yes, “Nina” riffed that. 

But, yeah, things are starting to get pretty heavy here, pretty quickly. And the comic continues to do the unthinkable and not actually suck.

Well, let’s see how it ends.

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2775: Anon-A-Miss: Pages 17 – 40

The comic under review today is a professionally published work by IDW Comics. Portions of it are reproduced here for the purposes of criticism and analysis only. We encourage those who are interested to seek out an original copy.
Seriously. IDW does good work, and you should buy their comics.

Title: My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Holiday Special or something
A whole lot of people working for IDW Comics
My Little Pony / Equestria Girls
Holiday or Family, maybe?
IDW Store Link
Critiqued by
AdmiralSakai and Serketry

Hello hello all you patrons, and welcome back to the My Little Pony Holiday Special 2014 Comic. Otherwise known as the “Anon-A-Miss Comic”, which I cannot help but notice has thus far not included anything actually called “Anon-A-Miss”.

Instead, Sunset Shimmer went to a sleepover at Applejack’s house with the rest of the Mane Six, shared some pretty mundane personal information, and… that was about it, aside from some random hijinks.

Howdy y’all, Serketry here… because I still haven’t left. And, yeah, this comic has a lot of buildup and characterization before the main plot kicks off. I can appreciate that. Speaking of…

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2772: Anon-A-Miss — Pages 1 through 16

The comic under review today is a professionally published work by IDW Comics. Portions of it are reproduced here for the purposes of criticism and analysis only. We encourage those who are interested to seek out an original copy.


Title: My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Holiday Special or something
A whole lot of people working for IDW Comics
My Little Pony / Equestria Girls
Holiday or Family, maybe?
IDW Store Link
Critiqued by
AdmiralSakai and Serketry


*All is quiet in RIFFCON. The overhead lights are turned off, monitors are powered down, and rollie-chairs are unoccupied. After several months of nothing much happening, the door in the far wall creaks open, revealing AdmiralSakai in all of his bespectacled, cargo-pantsed glory. (An incredibly minute capacity for glory is still glory, right?).*

That’s what all those pockets are for, aren’t they, sir?

Gaaah! How did you get in here! There are a finite number of keycards and I took away everyone else’s.

I… never left? 

Uhm. I mean, nothing is dusty and there aren’t any cobwebs, so… thanks? I’d ask what you ate, but I know ants can eat electrical wiring so I’ll just leave the lights turned off for the foreseeable future and we can forget this ever happened, mmmkay?

Oh, right. Howdy y’all, I’m Serketry, and I haven’t left this office in over a year. It’s dangerous outside!

So… what’re you doing here? 

I’m here for riffing? Used to be kind of my thing before writing stories for other people to read kind of briefly engulfed my entire online presence? Figured I’d come back with something a little different this time- a canon spinoff work, namely My Little Pony: The 2014 Holiday Comic, by IDW, an actual honest-to-god comics company and not some random person on the Internet with an overly edgy RWBY avatar.

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