1650: Heroes and Villains – Chapter Twelve, Part Two

Title: Heroes and Villains
Author: Horrible’s Igor
Media: Television / Movies
Topic: Buffy: The Vampire Slayer / Kitchen Sink
Genre: Supernatural/Drama
URL: Heroes and Villains (Now Defunct)
Critiqued by TacoMagic and Eliza

Hey, Patrons!  Welcome back to the second half of chapter twelve!  Strangely enough, this chapter has had more actually happen in it than any chapter leading up to it!  It had one, almost two things happen!  It was all poorly paced, but hell, I’ll take it!  Eliza, hit us with those happenings!

“First up, Willow’s crew started their heist!  They broke into the part of the void that makes the wonderflonium and then stood around discussing uninteresting things.  That was the thing that almost happened.  The thing that actually happened was that Buffy attacked and then was taken down by a mook who was doing a bank transaction!  When last we left her, she was bleeding out on the ground of the bank with Jimmy having a panic attack and being rather unhelpful in keeping her alive.”

You know, phrased that way, it makes it seem like her attack was unprovoked.

“Wasn’t it?  Jimmy indicated that they had some sort of plan that went down without a hitch, likely some kind of tracking device hidden in the money. Which means Buffy attacking the guy was unnecessary.”

Hey, you’re right!  Wait, they already know where Willow’s hideout is, why would they need to put a tracking device in the money?  They have no reason to suspect that the money is bound for anywhere other than her hideout.

“The same reason that Willow couldn’t have just moved the money around electronically.”

Ah yes, ‘because stupid.’  How could I forget.  Anyway, let’s jump on into the second half of this bad boy.

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