1672: The Girl – Chapter One

Title: The Girl
Author: MRobitussin
Media: Books
Topic: The Outsiders
Genre: Romance
URL: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4162543/1/The-Girl
Critiqued by Angie

Trigger Warning: Minor antagonism of PTSD. Or maybe I’m just overreacting.

Also, use of the words ‘Soc’ and ‘Greaser’ are completely canon and not I, nor Lyle, nor the author of this fic I’m sure, mean these words to be offensive.

[If you’re interested in reading the book, there are some major spoilers in this riff, so go read it first then come back to this. – Lyle]

In my Scarlet review, I’ll…admit I wasn’t my normal, happy self. I was just so pissed about how awful it was that I decided I might as well reflect upon it in my reviews. I’m sorry.

Last year, I read a book that I’m sure everyone has read, The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. God, what an amazing book. I could read it over and over again.

So, as I go, I figured I might as well see if I can’t find an Outsiders fanfiction.

And boy, did y’all on the internet deliver.

I stumbled upon The Girl, and…*loud sigh* it almost made me like the source material less.

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