1646: The Savior – Chapters Eight and Nine


Title: The Savior
Author: bubbersgod
Media: Video Game
Topic: Dark Souls
Genre: Romance/Adventure
URL: Chapter Eight
Critiqued by Leider Hosen 

!!Warning!! You know the drill. While not comparable to allstars like Jasmine Cumslut or Celebrian, the following riff is rife with casual sexism and substantial flamebait. There is also an explicit sex scene, so the squick is real. However! It is advisable you only skip the first part and not miss out on this one.

Welcome back patrons, to The Savior! I got a little intense last time-

Abrelepine: A little?

But this time I came prepared. I caught up on my sleep, brought a squeaky toy to squeeze, stocked up on caffeine, and I swung by the PCC and picked up some blueberry-mint flavor, maximum strength Chill Pills.

Abrelepine: Hosen, you really went shopping there?

Hey, their products may be annoying and overused, but the service was damn good and the deals are unreal. It’s no wonder so many writers shop there. Additionally, I have successfully removed Sulyvahn’s righteous antics from the previous chapter with no damage to the spacetime continuum, and confiscated his Blue Eye Orb so he doesn’t invade it again.

Pontiff Sulyvahn: You can retcon the act, but not the satisfaction.

About that. We can’t keep murdering our fic. I managed to get indicted by Badfic Protective Services and they’ve ordered an immediate cease and desist of all lethal shenanigans or there will be dire consequences.

Abrelepine: Like what?

No idea, I didn’t even know they were a thing until they ferried me this bloodied parchment via carrier pigeon. It’s pretty sternly worded so it must be serious.

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