2388: Mass Effect: The First War — Chapter 2

Title: Mass Effect: The First War
Author: ProfFartBurger
Media: Video Game
Topic: Mass Effect
Genre: Adventure/Sci-Fi
URL: Chapter 2
Critiqued by AdmiralSakai

Hello hello all you patrons, and welcome back to Mass Effect: The First Mass Effect War, which takes place in Mass Effect!

Last time, a human expedition encountered the quarian Migrant Fleet and exchanged preliminary First Contact transmissions of dubious quality.

And they did so very, very slowly.


Not seeing much movement on the ol’ Bingo Board yet, although we have had some borderline Halo ripoffs and tentative demonization of the turians.

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Fillertastic Special: AdmiralSakai and Serketry Riff Terrible MLP Fanart Episode III– Revenge of the Shit

You should know the drill by now. There’s a lot of My Little Pony fanart out there, and most of it is terrible or has unpleasant implications or is just plain confusing, and so Serketry and I riffed it over Steam chat and then reformatted everything into a Library post.

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2165: Fight For Freedom — Oneshot

Title: Fight For Freedom
Author: Shadowflameking
Media: Cartoon / Video Game
Topic: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic / Fallout
Genre: Sci-Fi, Tragedy, and ‘Random’
URL: Fight For Freedom

*It’s a quiet morning at RIFFCON; absent the Admiral and his retinue of highly trained soldiers snarkers, the audible hum of computer equipment softly fills the room. That is, until a bearded, bespectacled human in a jumpsuit makes his way inside, pushing a mop bucket. He sits down at the vacant console an-*

Alright, that’s enough of that. Morning, y’all, I’m Serketry, one of Admiral Sakai’s staff. Sorry, no aliens this time, just me. While technically my list of duties includes I.T. support, squad-based tactics, and all things Homestuck, MLP, and Fallout, most of my assignments have been more… janitorial. Which means I’m here to start mucking out the Orphanage. This here’s my first riff all by my lonesome, so I’m gonna start with something that gives me the home field advantage…

Fight For Freedom, by Shadowflameking, featuring Gore, Violence, and Death.


How thoughtful of you, fimfiction, to just lay it all out like that. This isn’t the first MLP/Fallout crossover travesty this site’s seen, and with what’s still in the Orphanage, it won’t be the last. It’s either this or keep mopping the floors, and, between you and me, I’d rather riff a dozen shitty MLP fics than clean up after Guard-Novitiate Nina. *shudders*

Welp, time to go to work.

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1939: Dawn By Eye – Chapter Five

Title:  Dawn By Eye
Author:  coolcake05
Media: Video Game / Movie
Topic: Fallout / Wall-E
Genre: Sci-Fi / Adventure
URL: Dawn By Eye
Critiqued by TacoMagic

Hey, kids!  Welcome back to Dawn By Eye, the WALL-E / Fallout crossover that nobody wanted yet exists anyway!

Last time EVE woke up in the Divide, which is some 2,400 miles from the Buy N Large city where she was shot.  She finds herself in the company of Raul Tejada, whose only apparent purpose in the fic is to fix her up and provide New Vegas namedrop cred.  With Raul properly namedropped, Cassidy shows up to provide another namedrop as well as provide some minor exposition and lead EVE to the main exposition source for the chapter: Ulysses.  At that point, Ulysses does his best to provide a bunch of vague exposition in the chunkiest way possible.  The whole chapter boils down to that the courier went crazy with power, took over the entirety of the West with his tiny robot army, and killed everyone in the Mojave in order to [error: no motivation found].  Meanwhile Ulysses formed a band of freedom fighters to do generic freedomy-type fighting.  His job as exposition fountain complete, Ulysses closes the chapter with a bit of DEEP MEANINGFUL FORESHADOWING!!!!™ in the form of a vague statement about EVE beginning a new “road” that involves such dramatic and specific things as choices and consequences.  If the fic were longer, I’d rename him Mr. Fortune Cookie, but today we’re doing the last chapter and Ulysses isn’t even in it.

So, this week we get to see what happened to WALL-E after he was attacked by the fic’s Foley team in chapter one.

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1927: Dawn By Eye – Chapter Four

Title:  Dawn By Eye
Author:  coolcake05
Media: Video Game / Movie
Topic: Fallout / Wall-E
Genre: Sci-Fi / Adventure
URL: Dawn By Eye
Critiqued by TacoMagic

*Taco drags himself into the riffing chamber, a box of tissues in one hand and a steaming cup of tea in the other*

Hey, patrons, it’s that magical time of year again! *Hack cough* Cold and flu season.

I’m going to keep things short today and only do one chapter; partly because I’m sick, but also because chapters four and five are a bit longer than the previous chapters.  Last time we got a lot of stupid.  So much that it’s hard to summarize, but the gist is that the courier attacks the Axiom with a bunch of soldiers and robots probably kills everyone.  It’s pretty vague and there was a weird section about filling the captain’s quarters with tears, so it’s equally likely that the courier gave everyone a time out and took away their Super Nintendo for the rest of the week.

Anyway, let’s get to it before the cold medicine kicks in and I pass out.

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