2838: The New Thunderbolts — Chapter 13

Title: New Thunderbolts
Author: Impurest Cheese
Media: Comic Book
Topic: Marvel (Per fanfiction.net’s inadequate categorization), Thunderbolts (More specifically)
Genre: Adventure/Mystery
URL: Chapter 13
Critiqued by BatSakai and Guard-Warlock-Novitiate Psk’Nyor “Nina” C’Kane

Hello once again, patrons! I’m your host, BatSakai, and I’m back with more of New Thunderbolts.

Last time, the Thunderdolts managed to stop crawling in their respective crawls long enough to fight off Scarecrow and clean all the fear gas out of Port Angeles… by somehow setting it all on fire. Apparently, this still counted as saving the day.

They were assisted in this effort by the canonical character Samuel Colchiss, aka. The Melter, who has been transmuted from mopey teenager to grizzled survivalist for… really no reason I can think of. Initially the government had press-ganged him into trying to apprehend the Thunderdolts by threatening his girlfriend, but then it was the government’s nap-time so he joined up with the Thunderdolts instead. After that he got shipped with CompuSue so quickly and directly the author got hired by UPS, and they all set off to California to apparently meet up with the X-Men or something.

Written One-Handed Counter: 8

“So, why am I still here? The creepypasta part’s over.”

You’re here because I think the next section sounds like a creepypasta too, or at least supernatural in some way.

“Fine by me. I’m really actually digging the damp cave and moody lighting; it’s all very homey.”

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2829: The New Thunderbolts — Chapter 11

Title: New Thunderbolts
Author: Impurest Cheese
Media: Comic Book
Topic: Marvel (Per fanfiction.net’s inadequate categorization), Thunderbolts (More specifically)
Genre: Adventure/Mystery
URL: Chapter 11
Critiqued by BatSakai and Guard-Warlock-Novitiate Psk’Nyor “Nina” C’Kane

Hello once again, patrons! I’m your host, BatSakai, and I’m back with more of New Thunderbolts.

Previously, we witnessed each and every one of the Thunderbolts wander off at the behest of unconvincing hallucinations and end up royally freaking out (Abe being swarmed by giant beetles and Melissa following a girl named Troll into a convenience store where a black wall of fog did… nothing at all, really, and also Venom attacked her) leaving Tony The Civilian Reporter cowering in the middle of the street like the useless waste of space he is. Diana the CompuSue at least managed to find where Scarecrow was hiding out and beat him up a little, but he ran off and now Diana is hallucinating some tool with God Pronouns who apparently is her original boss or something. It’s all quite stupid, and very perfunctory.

Written One-Handed Counter: 7

“And all of this has nothing to do with the actual comic special Fear Itself despite constantly bringing up people and ideas from the actual comic special Fear Itself.”

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2824: The New Thunderbolts

Title: New Thunderbolts
Author: Impurest Cheese
Media: Comic Book
Topic: Marvel (Per fanfiction.net’s inadequate categorization), Thunderbolts (More specifically)
Genre: Adventure/Mystery
URL: Chapter 10
Critiqued by BatSakai and Guard-Warlock-Novitiate Psk’Nyor “Nina” C’Kane

*Deep in the flatlands of central Ohio, the renovated subterranean missile complex of RIFFCON has undergone some changes. The usual fluorescent lighting has been dimmed to a gritty dark blue, all of the doors are double-reinforced, and aboveground sits a plywood cut-out of a stately manor. Various random bits of signage have had labelmaker labels with the phrase “Bat-” affixed to them, producing such awesome constructions as the “Bat-Administration Center”, “Bat-Ventilation”, “Keep Off: Not A Bat-Step”, and “Bat-Serketry’s Emergency Bat-Printer Bat-Paper Reserve”. All of these are correct, as several hundred live bats have been released throughout the complex for “ambiance” (“ambiance”, in this case, mostly meaning “guano”, because only after putting in the order did Sakai realize that bats are not easy to house-train). Sakai himself sits in an unfinished natural cave surrounded by high-performance computers, which are constantly malfunctioning due to the damp conditions and lack of proper cooling. A photograph of a penny, blown up to enormous size, has been printed out and stuck on one wall. He has spray-painted his labcoat matte black, and is wearing it tied around his neck like a cape.*

Hello once again, patrons! I’m your host, BatSakai, and I’m back with more of New Thunderbolts.

The… umm… other guy was willing to give up on this ‘fic because it is, quite frankly, slow, and go off to impersonate some dumbass roboticist who riffs HFY military science fiction or whatever. But I’ve survived Mass Effect: The First War and over half of the original Love of a Spartan, and I think this ‘fic is worth seeing through to the end, or at least further into it.

Shall we proceed with the recap, O warlock?

*Nina sits in the other bat-rollie-chair, Kane’s trademark eyehole-less white mask stuck to her snout with Scotch bat-tape from the bat-stationery-drawer. The effect is somewhat limited by the fact that her skull is slightly larger and much more pointy than a human’s, with her eyes on the sides past the edges of the mask.*

“No, this is dumb. Why am I even here, anyway? My job is creepypasta and the 1970s, not… whatever this glubbin’ shit is. Can I at least be GlubJamags? I liked GoodJamags.”

Well, you have the most eldritch experience of anyone on the team, and Troy claimed GoodJamags because he showed up on time to the orientation and wasn’t hung-over. And this “glubbin’ shit” is actually getting pretty creepypasta-adjacent, so here you stay.

“Fine. But can I at least take this stupid thing off my face? It feels like I’m walking around with a target labeled ‘snipe here’.”

Sure. Recap?


Last time, the Thunderdolts continued wandering around the western United States, still wanted due to a Skrull(?) frame-up that they could easily dispense with if they just sat down and talked to the Avengers. Or anybody, really. And also stopped deliberately committing crimes with extremely flimsy justification.

Actually, given how destructive they are of their own accord, I’m a little surprised the Skrulls(?) even needed to frame them for anything.

Anyway, they got to Washington State and discovered that a town infected by some kind of airborne poison that makes everyone hallucinate their deepest fear. Like that‘s never been done before. The government figured this all out, and made a half-hearted attempt to evacuate the area, but just sort of gave up and left a bunch of National Guard equipment lying around in the open. Then the Thunderdolts showed up, also figured out that an airborne agent was responsible, remembered to pack breathing equipment… and then failed to wear it and started hallucinating anyway. They found some panicky civilian reporter who I give about 50% odds of getting killed off to make a point in true survival horror fashion. They just had a brief, ineffective fight with a (hallucinatory?) Spring-heeled Jack, who they seemed to recognize despite his being a relatively obscure Victorian urban legend and not having any particular Marvel Comics incarnation they could reasonably have encountered apparently there is one in Ghost Rider but he is combined with the legend of Jack the Ripper for some reason.

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2699: Creepypasta Pain and possibly the best pasta ever — Crappy(?) Pasta

Title: Creepypasta Pain
Author: I don’t know. Spooky.
Media: IRL
Topic: Some sort of cryptid or Eyeless Jack type creature or maybe a Jeff clone or something.
Genre: Creepypasta
URL: Rebranded Trollpasta Wiki rehost

Title: I Was a Library Experimentation
Author: kittywenham 
Media: Other Creepypasta
Topic: r/nosleep
Genre: Trollpasta
URL: Different rebranded Trollpasta Wiki rehost

Critiqued by: Admiralsakai and Guard-Novitiate Psk’nyor “Nina” C’hon

Hello hello all you patrons! Try not to wake your brother Anthony and smash any suspicious tapes you may encounter, because it’s the final Spooptacular post of the season once again!

“Hit it!”

Now, are you ready for some… Creepypasta PAIN?!


Isn’t that just what we do every week anyway, though?”

Well, yeah, but this one is actually called “Creepypasta Pain”, and is a single giant textwall, and is written in a style eerily reminiscent of legolas by laura.



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2466: Jason Michael — Crappy Pasta

Title: Jason Michael
Author: Madison.herbert.52
Media: Creepypasta
Topic: Jeff The Killer (I think?)
Genre: Creepypasta
URL: Trollpasta Wiki Rehost
Critiqued by: AdmiralSakai and Guard-Novitiate Psk’nyor “Nina” C’hon

Hello hello all you patrons! Put on your Lava Wings and make sure you have a plan to give the appearance of having escaped from being trapped inside a painting without actually leaving the painting, because it’s that time of year again!






Today is a momentous and auspicious day in the history of spoop, my dear patrons, because at long last THE TROLLPASTA WIKI IS BACK ONLINE WITH A NEW HOSTING SERVICE!!

“Ia! Ia! Trollpasta fthaghn!”

No more scrounging around a bunch of merely bland, forgettable pastas to get to the few that are outrageously bad. Now they’re all in one place!

“No more having pastas get deleted mid-riff, or between when we deciide to riff them and actually get around to it!”

And, of course, who can forget such gems as Donald Trump Kills the Creepypasta Universe, Sonic.exe Vietnamese Crystal Edition, and Does Anybody Know A Good Plumber?

“I mean, look at this! I just clicked on a link randomly, and I got a Jeff Clone with terrible grammar called Jason Michael!”

No, it’s not in fact slasher-slash.

“Aww, glub. Serves me right for getting my hopes up, I guess.”

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