1758: The New Security Guard – Chapter 1


Title: The New Security Guard
Author: The Lazy Darklord
Media: Video Game
Topic: Five Nights at Freddy’s
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
URL Chapter 1
Critiqued by Ghostcat




Hello, Patrons, and welcome to a new fic!

This one is notSubnautica fic, but it does come from a video game source material – Five Nights at Freddy’s. There’s been a number of FNAF fics in the Library, so I will dispense with the usual SC-style info-dump and just move on to the fic – after taking a peek at the summary.

A college kid needs some work after his life goes to hell and his friends got the place and it pays pretty good for a pizza parlor

The grammar is wonky but that doesn’t sound all that bad…

(ok there will be sexual scenes and possible lemons and lots violence in the beginning and lots of cussing… I own nothing!)

And there we are.

Will make break off stories!

Those are typically called “sequels”, y’know.

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