919: Merry Christmas, Draco – One Shot

Title: Merry Christmas, Draco
Author: SasuNarufan13
Media: Books/Movies
Topic: Harry Potter
Genre: Romance and Hurt/Comfort
URL: One Shot
Critiqued by KittyNoodles

Kitty: Hello, Patrons, and a Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and Happy Other Wintertime Holidays to you all! Kitty again, this time with a jolly Christmas-themed baddie that’s sure to put the coal in your stockings!

Scythe: Are the Santa hats really necessary?

Kitty: Yes they are, my incredibly well-versed anti-human friend! This time we’re riffing a rather average Harry Potter shipfic featuring Drarry angst. I say “average because it could probably be used as a standard by which to score other Drarry badfics. You’ll see what I mean as we go along.

Scythe: Speaking of well-versed, Kitty: How do you know this is standard fare for Harry/Draco badfics?

Kitty: I dabbled in the pairing for a while. It never really hooked me, though – I only speak from the experience I gleaned from a handful of fics I found on Quizilla.

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