908: Life with Raptors – Chapter Three

Title: Life with Raptors
Author:   AwesomeHunter77
Media: Movie
Topic: Jurassic Park
Genre:  Humor/Drama
URL: Life with Raptors
Critiqued by TacoMagic and Eliza

Welcome back to Life with Raptors, where the plot’s made up and the characters don’t matter.

Last week on Raptor and I, another raptor required a medical visit; this time due to swallowing an empty soda can.

“I am deeply embarrassed for these raptors.”

Not much else happened, actually.  The sue bumbles in, throws her balls around to distract the other raptors, does a quick sodacanectomy, and leaves.  That’s pretty much it.  Nedry makes a quick pseudo-appearance, but it’s forgettable and doesn’t really go anywhere or establish anything important beyond May being a shallow asshole. Read the rest of this entry »