1197: Call of Retribution – Chapter Two

Title:  Call of Retribution
Author: Fenrir
Media:  Video Game
Topic: Chrono Trigger
Genre:  Drama
URL: Chapter Two
Critiqued by Lyle

Hello, my dears!  Guess what?  I got married two days ago.  Yup.  And as you read this, I’ll be on my honeymoon.  So if you notice I’m absent from the comment sections for a couple weeks, that’s why.  Mr. Lyle and I finally made it official.  And I’m at Disney World having a fucking blast pretending to not be an adult.

Now that I got that part out of the way, let’s recap what happened last time.  After wading through paragraphs composed of purple that, I think, tried to set a festival scene at Leene Square, Crono’s mom woke him up and he turned into a bitchy 13-year-old.  He also hates his fellow heroes because [404: Reason Not found].

I hope we find some plot this chapter.  I don’t know if I can stand a second chapter of purple nothingness.

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