1224: Legendary Adventurers, Futuristic Saviors – Chapter Eight, Part Five

Title: Legendary Adventurers, Futuristic Saviors
Author: Stone-Man85 – and N’jata by proxy.
Media: Movie
Topic: Princess Mononoke
Genre: Adventure/Romance
URL: Chapter 8
Critiqued by SC, Fox, and Sir Paulo Rori

Hello, and welcome back to Legendary Adventurers, Futuristic Saviors, by Stone-Man85! I’m your host, SC, and last time, we had a super short riff where not a lot really happened. This time, the riff is gonna be LOOOOONG, because I plan to finish this chapter this week, so be prepared for a long read.

But before that, of course, I have to welcome Sir Paulo Rori –

Paulo: Good day to you.

– And my other guest for this week, an OC of mine named Fox!

O hai, Fox!

O hai, Fox!

Fox: ‘Sup!

Fox is an interesting character, actually. He’s one of those characters that I, for some reason, can’t write a story without including. William is another one, I can’t write a story without a William somewhere. There’s a William in my previous NaNo story, there’s going to be a Fox in my current NaNo story, and the both of them also exist as protagonists of their own separate stories in a little series I’m working on on the side for funsies. It’s kind of like Link and Zelda: invariably, there will always be both of them in every Zelda game. Or Cid, from Final Fantasy: gotta have one.

Even if it's a girl.

Even if it’s a girl.

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