1216: Legendary Adventurers, Futuristic Saviors – Chapter Eight, Part Four

Title: Legendary Adventurers, Futuristic Saviors
Author: Stone-Man85
Media: Movie
Topic: Princess Mononoke
Genre: Adventure/Romance
URL: Chapter 8
Critiqued by SC, Sir Paulo Rori, and Robin Evess

Hello, and welcome back to Legendary Adventurers, Futuristic Saviors, by Stone-Man85! I’m your host, SC, and last time (that I was here), Contacts cracked open a bottle of booze so powerful that just the fumes and like two shots put him and Iron Liver Shades out for the count, and gave me an awful hangover. Meanwhile, Specs, Bifocals, and Goldie and his group all pitched in to cover my ass for the weeks I was out, which was very nice of them.

And they left me catch up notes! What a bunch of swell guys.

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