689: GLaDOS Lets It Go – One Shot

Title: GLaDOS Lets It Go
Author: ConMan1226
Media: Games
Topic: Portal
Genre: Angst & Hurt/Comfort
URL: Fic has been removed from FF.net
Critiqued by Silky

Hello again, wonderful patrons! I’m L’aube Soyeuse (or Silken Dawn), and I’m back with a fresh, steaming pile of fanfic! This one happens to be related to Portal, one of my favorite video games. Portal’s plot centers around a portal device, created by Aperture Science, which creates sort of a wormhole between any two flat surfaces, such as walls. Its protagonist is a human test subject named Chell, who will not be appearing in this fic. The antagonist (and only other character in the first game, unless you count the turrets and the companion cube) is called Genetic Lifeform and Disc Operating System (GLaDOS), a rogue AI who at one point took over the center, poisoning the scientists with neurotoxin, and began putting captive test subjects through a series of tests by leading them with a mixture of lies and comedic sociopathy. You may remember her listening to Avril Lavigne and cutting herself in ITS MY LIFE! , also known as “My ImPortal.” My, what a wild ride that was.

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