692: Twin Humanities – Chapter 29 & 30

Title: Twin Humanities
Author: max7238
Media: Video Game
Topic: Dark Souls
Genre: Adventure Romance
URL: Chapter 29 & Chapter 30
Critiqued by Erttheking

E: Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!

N: You done yet?

E: One second. FUCK! Ok I’m done. Now, WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO!?

N: This Manus guy didn’t leave the best impression on you did he?

E: His fighting style mainly consisted of “I crush you dead” and “I blast you with overpowered sorceries”. And how he has a Black Ring? What the Hell do those even do anyway?

G: You’re not gonna like this. They raise the dead, and not in the “ugh, brains” kind of way. As in, the people they raise are on par to their intelligence and fighting skill of when they were alive, and they are completely under control of the Black Lantern. Oh, and when they kill people, they can convert those people into Black Lanterns too. You know, when I said even I wasn’t going to mess with these things, it wasn’t something I was saying idly.

N: Great, so what can we expect Manus to pull out to fight us?

E: If it’s the same Manus who fought BRSue, we can probably expect just about every major Dark Souls boss. Christ, this is gonna be a tough one, even with five lantern rings.

N: I take it you’d rather not work with Stupard and BRSue then? I mean, I can’t exactly say I blame you on that one, considering that one is a self absorbed man-child and the other is a psychopathic bitch, but I’m just making sure we’re on the same page here.

E: More or less. I even trust Goeth more than I trust them, he’s done all right by us so far.

G: Still, we may want to consider the fact that as much as we may not want to, we may need their help. A White Lantern ring would be our best chance at beating Manus, they’re as broken as they get. The thing is, I’m not exactly sure how they’re made or if any of us could handle them. Ugh, we need more time to sort this whole mess out.

E: Still, five against one would be good odds for us…if only it actually WAS five against one though. And Manus was hardly weak as himself, with a frakking power ring he’ll be a nightmare. So, any ideas of what to do?

N: Cornelia and Woods are interrogating BRSue and Shepard to see what they know and to make sure BRSue isn’t lying to us. We’ve got the Orange and Violet rings on lockdown.

G: I’ve sent spy probes out but I’m not picking anything up on Black Lantern activity. Really all we can do is wait. Read the rest of this entry »