2463: Athame’s Light – Chapter Two, Part Two

Title: Athame’s Light
Author: Legionary Prime
Media: Video Game
Topic: Mass Effect
Genre: Adventure
URL: Chapter Two
Critiqued by SC and Spectre Myrai T’Sayaa

Admit it.

Spectre Myrai: *grumble*

Admit it.

Spectre Myrai: …Alright, fine, you weren’t making shit up about the weird porn chicks. Being sparred with, and subsequently hit on, by a lion was an… interesting experience.

And then you knocked her the fuck out.

Spectre Myrai: About the point where she started making suggestive use of the words “reach” and “flexibility” was where I finally snapped. Shades and the one who kept bouncing back and forth between adulthood and adolescence gave it a seven out of ten, which I feel is a bit harsh, considering I didn’t have much time to wind up that shot.

Shades might have docked points for not letting her keep that gun.

Spectre Myrai: It was stolen property, and she used to be a cop, she should fucking know better.

Well, anyhow.

Hello, and welcome back to “Athame’s Light,” by Legionary Prime! I’m your host, SC, joined by Spectre Myrai, and last time, not a whole lot in the way of the story happened – it was just Udina, Anderson and Hackett talking about who to choose for humanity’s first Spectre. So naturally, they throw their bid in on one actual human, and the human-born Asari, in an incredible display of missing the point of a human Spectre. Not to mention, both their candidates come from the same family lineage, with the reasoning behind their selection ultimately boiling down to, “their parents are famous, and one’s a human-born Asari, so we gotta.” Sure, there was a token mention of actual merits, but those were glossed over. Meanwhile, lacking for stuff to say, I quizzed Myrai on her pre-Spectre and post-Reaper War days, just to liven up the atmosphere.

I’ll probably be doing that again, as we progress into the second half of chapter two, today. Or maybe not, as this is where we finally meet Asari!Shep, who the fic has so far been building up as somebody important enough to override the major political stepping stone that appointing a human to the Spectres was meant to be for humanity in the first game.

For real, I’m fine with a non-human hero of Mass Effect, but that kind of necessitates building your own plot rather than going by the one laid out in the games, as the way human Shepard got things done is something only human Shepard could reasonably do. Not for lack, or abundance of ability in any particular areas, but because there are just some situations in the games where anybody other than a human Shepard would be fucked, for one reason or another. I believe it was none other than ME-Iron-Maiden who laid it out as so: Alienkind have had too much time to grow complacent with the way things work. Any effort to make proactive moves is quickly shot down. If humanity and our insistence on reaching for ever-greater glory hadn’t come along, the Reapers would have steamrolled the galaxy, because nobody would be in any condition to fight back due to sheer laziness. Hell, this goes straight down to Shepard’s own teammates: Without Shepard to intervene and ask the hard questions they didn’t want to hear, Wrex, Tali, Garrus, and every other alien Shepard worked with would have been content to just go about their day-to-day, until they all wound up dead, I assume, because all of Shepard’s squadmates have a really bad habit of making poor life choices that inevitably lead them to major conflicts. I suspect Legionary Prime knows this to some degree, as their main protagonists are an Asari and a human.

Spectre Myrai: And so, to counter that, they’re being riffed by an Asari and a human.


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2435: Mass Murder Effect: The First War Crime (Was Committed By The Protagonists) — Chapter 6 Part 2

Title: Mass Effect: The First War
Author: ProfFartBurger
Media: Video Game
Topic: Mass Effect
Genre: Adventure/Sci-Fi
URL: Chapter 6
Critiqued by AdmiralSakai

Hello hello all you patrons, and welcome back to Mass Effect: The First War, which may at some point have had something vaguely to do with Mass Effect.

Last time, some random Marines who refused to surrender on Roof engaged in a convoluted process to get a signal back to Earth informing their friends that the planet had been invaded.

You know, it just occurred to me that this seems like a bit of an unnecessary objective for the Marines to even be pursuing. Since system-to-system communication is pretty easy for the humans and there were previously established to be news and personal messages being sent back and forth routinely, one would think that just the prolonged silence of the planet would cause Earth to send in an expeditionary force to check it out pretty quickly without anyone on Roof even needing to do anything.

Also ‘Roof’ is still a terrible name for a planet.

Either way, the message had the unfortunate side effect of informing the turians of Earth’s location, so now they’re gearing up for a full-scale assault.


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2430: Mass Murder Effect: The First War Crime (Was Committed By The Protagonists) — Chapter 6 Part 1

Title: Mass Effect: The First War
Author: ProfFartBurger
Media: Video Game
Topic: Mass Effect
Genre: Adventure/Sci-Fi
URL: Chapter 6
Critiqued by AdmiralSakai

Hello hello all you patrons, and welcome back to Mass Effect: The First War, which I’m pretty sure is up to its second war now or possibly even third  but I am very sure has something to do with Mass Effect.

Previously, thanks to a tip by some mustache-twirling batarians, the turians finally managed to track down the Migrant Fleet on Roof, and save said batarians from complete extermination at the hands of the quarians. The quarians, indignant over the interruption of their latest unprovoked mass murder of civilian targets, called in their human pals and tried to attack the turians. Again.

This actually went about as well as you would reasonably expect- to quote Ross Scott, shooting the cops in fact means they just send a lot more cops, and with literally thousands of turian ships pouring into the system the Alliance’s ass was resoundingly kicked. Turian troops even landed on Roof’s surface, but then the Alliance decided to use shitty knockoff orbital nukes to kill everyone– turians, quarians, human civilians, and whatever else- rather than allow filthy alien feet to desecrate their sacred soil.

Unsurprisingly, this left the Hierarchy more than a little pissed.


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2429: Captain Rapist’s Quarter-Assed Adventure – Chapter 2 Part 2 and Chapter 3 Part 1

Title: Trapped in 40k
Author: Eclipse Pheniox
Topic: Warhammer 40,000
Media: Tabletop Game
Genre: Sci-fi/Mystery
URL: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12486706
Critiqued by Crazy Minh and Major Wade


Hello Patrons, and welcome back to another instalment of Trapped In 40k by Eclipse Pheniox! I’m your guest riffer, Crazy Minh, and joining me again as my special guest is Major Wade!


Today, we cover the last bit of Chapter two, and the first half of Chapter three! We left off with the Inquisitor leaving the Chapel-Which-Is-Also-An-ER-Room-Which-Is-Also-A-Flower-Pot.

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2424: Mass Murder Effect: The First War Crime (Was Committed By The Protagonists) — Chapter 5 Part 2

Title: Mass Effect: The First War
Author: ProfFartBurger
Media: Video Game
Topic: Mass Effect
Genre: Adventure/Sci-Fi
URL: Chapter 5
Critiqued by AdmiralSakai

Hello hello all you patrons, and welcome back to Mass Effect: The First War, which up until now I was worried was actually a 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea ‘fic.

Previously, the quarians and humans had a bunch of ethnic tensions going on as the quarians colonized Eden. Then a fleet of four hundred batarian ships showed up, intent on colonizing what they thought was an uninhabited system (they call it ‘Porland’ instead of ‘Eden’ for reasons I cannot begin to fathom), no doubt loaded to the brim with mustache wax, large hams, and Campbell’s Rich & Chunky.

The batarians told the quarians running the joint defense fleet to clear off or they would tell the Council their location, and then the quarians told the batarians “don’t give our location to the people who want to arrest us for our indiscriminate murders, because if you do we’ll indiscriminately murder you as well! We’re such great people!”

Surprisingly, the batarians decided this qualified as a threat and went ahead and preemptively attacked the quarians.


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