1955: Five night’s with Foxy and Mike – Chapter 3


Title: Five night’s with Foxy and Mike
Author: PLeasedestroyme
Media: Video Game
Topic: Five Nights at Freddy’s
Genre: none given
URL: Chapter 3
Critiqued by: Ghostcat









So I was all ready to start on a new fic but, as is my custom, I double-checked on my old fics to see if any had updated. And wouldn’t you know it, the fic updated on Friday, right when my last riff went up.


The last chapter (or chapter-part) didn’t really have a lot going on, despite being “expanded” to nearly four times its original length. Blind Mike the Robot Fondler went to work, saw his drunk/high coworker acting inappropriately, and then had a very long and awkward interaction with Foxy in the office while Chica and Bonnie were still trying to attack him for some reason.

To the fic!

When Bonnie finally left, (three damn minutes later, mind you) Mike let his attention fall fully on the robot standing across from him.

Three minutes in real time isn’t all that long, but translated over into game-time of each hour lasting roughly a minute and a half then it is possible that Bonnie was standing there for nearly a third of the night.

It was a mere twenty seconds of staring before he remembered he actually had a job and should probably keep doing it.

I don’t remember if we ever figured out exactly what brand of kink Blind Mike the Robot Fondler has, but whatever it is he must have it bad. Also, he is really bad at this job and probably should have died quite some time ago. Foxy is probably the only reason he is still alive at this point.

“Do ye like me bein’ here?” Foxy suddenly asked after another minute or so of lapsed silence passed. Mike looked up to him through his lashes with raised eyebrows, but otherwise nonchalant features.

Eighty-five percent of this conversation is just awkward silences and looks. I get enough of that in real life.

“Why do you ask?” Mike answered. Foxy looked as taken aback as an animatronic with limited features could, even going so far as to lift a hand to his gaping chest.

I will once again give the author credit for realizing that the animatronics don’t have the ability to express emotions in the same way an organic person would and would instead have to use physical gestures instead of smiling or frowning. It’s definitely a nice change after all those fics where Freddy & Co were constantly having facial expressions despite having immobile faces.

Mike lost himself for a couple seconds, his eyes lingering on the wires that were barely visible due to the limited light, before flittering up quickly as Foxy tilted his head once more while opening his mouth.

Well, that’s creepy. I think what I find most disturbing about this whole scenario is that Mike is more attracted to the broken portions of Foxy than he seems to be to Foxy as a whole person. This is like the robot fetish version of amputee porn.

Mike briefly thought about when Foxy somehow became a ‘he,’ rather than it.

The narration started using gendered pronouns right around the time Blind Mike the Robot Fondler learned Foxy’s name, so I would say it was some time around then. It is interesting that Blind Mike the Robot Fondler is using male pronouns, though; I imagine that if Blind Mike the Robot Fondler was straight he would assume (or at least prefer) that the object of his affection was female and possibly have some sort of internal conflict regarding his own sexual orientation going on along with his newly discovered robot fetish.

“Ye seem more relaxed when I be around, even if I be distractin’?”

Probably because you’re not actively trying to murder him.

“Distracting?” Mike pondered aloud, placing the tablet down flat on his lap, the last he had checked it all the animatronics were in the kitchen, and brought a hand to cup his chin.

In the first game the kitchen is the only place with a camera that you can’t see directly, the camera is broken so all the player gets is the audio. It would be difficult to tell just from the clattering noises how many of the animatronics were in the kitchen, unless Blind Mike the Robot Fondler had already checked the other cameras and excluded all other locations. Even then, the animatronics move around quite quickly so there is no guarantee that the places he checked would remain animatronic-free for very long.

“Aye” Foxy confirmed, despite it not being needed, Mike nodded regardless.

“I don’t really… find you all that distracting” Mike muttered, scrunching his face up “or maybe I do…”

Suddenly he sat up fully, picked up his tablet, and crossed his legs.

“In any case, it’s not a problem you can fix” He said it as a finalised statement, but foxy didn’t seem ready for that to be it.

:repeatedly headdesks:

I am exceptionally awkward in social situations and don’t always pick up on the fact that someone is flirting with me until long after it has happened (and then someone usually has to point it out to me) and even I can see what is going on here.

“Ye’re different from th’ previous night guards” Foxy began once more after pregnant silence,

Please don’t use the word ‘pregnant’ in this fic again.

taking the few robotic steps forward to be in as close to Mike as he was when they first did this.

Bwa? As close as when they were doing what? When they first started talking?

What is this? Mike found himself asking no one,

ever since he practically molested the damn robot his mind’s been stuck in the gutter around him.

But only a really specific portion of the gutter, since you seem fixated on Foxy’s janky rusted-out bits more than anything else. And you didn’t ‘practically’ molest Foxy – YOU DID MOLEST HIM! You touched him in an intimate way without his consent – that is molestation.

Subconsciously, he had been sensing a lively energy within the animatronic, one that he was suddenly all too aware of as Foxy gripped his chin between two of his massive fingers.

Must have some exposed wires somewhere; that feeling you’re having could just be massive voltage arcing across your face.

The energy buzzed through the connection and felt as if it seared through his flesh to settle in his core.

That’s probably a mild cardiac arrhythmia you’re feeling because you’re not grounded properly.

“W… What, how, how am I different?” He stuttered, unable to find his words, his hands lost their grip on the tablet and it fell heavily onto his lap, pulling a wince from his form.

Well, you’re not shoved inside a bear suit filled with wires and sharp bits like some sort of hellish inverted cheese grater. That’s probably a point in your favor.

The energy emitting from Foxy’s hold pulsed once more, causing a full bodied shiver to run through him. Foxy stared down at him with a heavy weight, and Mike, surprisingly, felt nothing but comfort from his gaze.

Because electroconvulsive therapy is so very, very romantic.

That’s exactly what this looks like to me; Foxy is touching Blind Mike the Robot Fondler’s head and administering controlled shocks. It’s not romantic, it’s therapeutic – or possibly even torture depending on the voltage.

“Ye touch me differently, look at me differently” Foxy answered, while Mike swallowed shakily.

Very differently, and in a way that would be criminal if Foxy were human. If Blind Mike the Robot Fondler had walked into the room of a human of any gender who was unconscious and unresponsive in the way Foxy was and just started feeling that person up around what was essentially an open wound, he would get arrested.

I don’t… understand, did the others touch you?” Foxy didn’t answer, only looked at the open door to his right, and moving to close it as a loud bang hit against the window.

Oh, thank the gods! A distraction. I almost forgot that the other animatronics want Blind Mike the Robot Fondler dead.

Bonnie. Mike thought groggily, his head was filled with sudden lights as foxy removed his hand from his face, the power he felt leaving with it.

You may be having a tonic-conic seizure. Someone should call for an ambulance.

He felt so tired, but Foxy seemed to have a renewed pep to his demeanour.

I guess he really likes administering electric shocks to your brain-box. It’s almost like he gets a real charge out of it.

Why didn’t this ever happen before?

Because this is a very strange situation that lies very far outside the normal duties of a security guard?

Foxy seemed to sense his question, but didn’t react to it, as he opened the door, and closed the one on the opposite side of the room.

I don’t even know what that’s supposed to mean. Is Foxy going to spontaneously develop psychic powers now?

All Mike could really do was lay uselessly against the back of his chair and stare. All he wanted to do was close his heavy lids, but, the new way Foxy was moving was making his head buzz.

I’m getting an unsettling date-rape vibe from this fic. First Blind Mike the Robot Fondler was all over Foxy while Foxy was unresponsive, and now Blind Mike the Robot Fondler is the passive one while Foxy is more aggressive. There’s just a strange relationship dynamic developing here.

It was like he was somehow actually alive, the joints that once moved like a classical robot were smoother, as if they were newly oiled.

So he still moves like a robot, just a better maintained robot? Did someone finally get off their ass and perform some basic maintenance on the broken-down wreck that is Foxy?

It didn’t make sense to his tired mind how that could be, until Foxy met his eyes and the life within them made his mind real.

There must be a gas leak in the restaurant or something, because Blind Mike the Robot Fondler has to be high AF right now. That could also explain the other guard’s weird behaviour.

It felt as if he was looking at an animal, calculating and understanding.

Typically when a human is in a vulnerable position and is being confronted by a large predator, that means things have gone very, very wrong for that particular human.

But then the life was gone, as suddenly as it appeared, and Foxy became the same as before. Mike stared for three seconds longer than necessary before looking at his watch.

It was 5:30am.

In the game the clock doesn’t count down minute by minute, just by the hour, but in a real world scenario clocks work a little differently so that’s yet another point in this author’s favor.

“They be plotting to kill you” Foxy said, as if it wasn’t something he already knew

Would ‘he’ be Blind Mike the Robot Fondler or Foxy himself? They are both referred to by male pronouns in the narration.

“Huh? Oh, yeah” Mike sat up properly, picking up the tablet and flipping through the camera’s, all three were in the kitchen again.

Again, how can Blind Mike the Robot Fondler tell? There’s no video feed from the kitchens to confirm this.

“If they get me I’ll be stuffed into a suit, won’t I?” Mike looked up in time to catch Foxy’s nod of agreement.

That is the general idea, yes – assuming the fic is set some time during the first or second game. I think after that the series sort of abandoned the “accidentally stuffed in a suit” premise.

“Ye be right, Mike, but ye aren’t goin’ t’ die” Static garbled the last part of his speech, but Mike heard regardless. The man felt disgustingly glad to have Foxy say it, even if it was a sort of false hope.

I could see how having Foxy serving as a sort of bodyguard would be comforting, but he’s not in top condition and there are at least two other active animatronics that might want to get to the guard. I would imagine that Foxy could be easily overpowered if it came down to a real fight and the other animatronics were serious about reaching Blind Mike the Robot Fondler. They seem to just be going through the motions for form’s sake.

Mike smiled up at him, gently closing his eyes, and leant forward slightly due to his fatigue.

I guess he just remembered that he’s so fatigued that he can barely move.

This time, when Foxy moved to catch him before he fell, the strange energy was a mere tingle beneath his skin.

Foxy’s batteries must be running low.

He slowly opened his eyes and, surprised by how close Foxy had brought himself, gasped audibly.

If I was half-asleep and suddenly got a face full of Foxy I’d probably do a lot more than gasp.

“Sink me, I be sorry” Foxy said, but not moving from his position. Mike assumed their faces were barely 10cm apart, it was hard to see the tip of his gaping snout from where he sat, but he managed.

Considering the size and shape of Foxy’s head and muzzle, Foxy must have incredibly long arms if he’s holding Blind Mike the Robot Fondler like that.

“Sink?” Mike stopped in a pause,


I dunno, must be a pirate thing. Also, that is a really odd turn of phrase.

looking at the tip of the foxes nose before continuing, “Ah, no, its fine, you don’t need to be sorry” Mike said, licking his lips as he stared.

Why is Blind Mike the Robot Fondler licking his lips while staring at Foxy’s nose? That’s just really weird.

Mike closed his eyes once more, leaning into the touch on his chin, it was far gentler than the previous, and it also didn’t seem to sap his energy either.

…Wait a second. When Blind Mike the Robot Fondler fell forward, did Foxy catch him by the face? Foxy is made of rusting metal with all kinds of exposed wires poking out as well as having claws and a hook-hand; how did that not do any damage?

Something inside Mike warned him that he was doing something stupid before he even leaned forward and pressed his mouth gently against the tip of the Animatronics nose.

Blech! Foxy has been described solely in negative terms and lives in a nasty Stank Alcove – just the smell alone was enough to make Blind Mike the Robot Fondler physically ill. And now he’s got his mouth pressed against Foxy’s nose?

Foxy didn’t move away until Mike did, staring indignantly at the man.

Yeah, those Kdrama style lip-presses can leave a lot to be desired.

Also, how is Blind Mike the Robot Fondler staring indignantly at himself?

Mike blinked his eyes open slowly, drunk on his tiredness.

Yeah, right; “tiredness”. That’s what’s wrong with this situation.

“That was really fucking dumb of me” He said stupidly, moving backward on his seat when Foxy let his chin go.

Yeah, it was. Gods only know what sort of exotic new lip diseases you picked up from that nose.

Foxy looked like he wanted to say something, but went against it, Mike tilted his head at the action.

Nani? What is even going on here? Blind Mike the Robot Fondler pressed his lips against Foxy’s nose, Foxy apparently didn’t like that and backed away after Blind Mike the Robot Fondler stared at himself, but now Foxy … wanted it to happen, I guess? I don’t know. Foxy seems to vacillate between knowing Blind Mike the Robot Fondler has a lusty burning in his loins (and possibly now in his face-hole) for the animatronic and being completely ignorant of the guard’s desires.

“It’s 5:55am” Foxy stated almost hurriedly before moving to the door.

No, it’s not. There’s no way that weird electro-groping took twenty-five minutes. I think the author ran out of awkward interactions and decided to speed up the clock a little bit.

Mike groggily watched after him as he left, closing both doors and blocking everything else out once he was in the hall.

Assuming this is the office set-up from the first game, which has the most basic layout, there are two doors – one of either side of the room that are accessed separately. One animatronic cannot block both of them.

He stared at the roof, grease stains even prevalent there as past night guards got bored in the long shifts and flicked things to it.

I know the series as a whole trends towards the grimy in many ways, but this is just getting to be overkill.

How many treated Foxy like I do?

I would hope that the number would be low, but there were all those disturbing stains on the curtain in the Stank Alcove.

He thought silently, feeling mildly guilty for doing things to something that seemed so… innocent?

Foxy’s innocence seems to be in a variable state, but you really should be feeling guilty for fondling him while he was powered down and could not consent. That was weird and wrong.

A murderous animatronic being called innocent? He huffed in laughter at the thought.

He hasn’t actually tried to murder you, though. If anything he’s been protective of you.

But in all seriousness, he doubted the thing knew what he was doing, it was meant to interact with children. Wasn’t it? Was it programmed to know about sexual acts being forced upon it?

…I’m beginning to think that Blind Mike the Robot Fondler is supposed to be the villain of this fic. Is he actively considering forcing a sexual act – or should I say, another sexual act – on someone he considers an ‘innocent’ who may not even understand what is going on? That is very, very bad.

Mike thought about that for a few seconds. Was he forcing it if the other party was both a robot and not reacting negatively to the attention? 

:repeatedly headdesks:


If you are forcing another sentient being into a sexual act without their informed consent, that is sexual assault. Lack of a negative reaction is not consent, it just means Foxy doesn’t know what to do in that situation because it is outside his realm of knowledge. If Foxy doesn’t even understand what sexual intercourse is, then Blind Mike the Robot Fondler could probably stick his dick in Foxy’s access port without getting any response – positive or negative – at all. That doesn’t make it okay, in fact it kind of makes it even worse.

This is the sort of argument a rapist or child molester would make to justify their actions.

But the robot was sentient as far as he knew, or rather, it appeared to be and if it wasn’t, then what was that energy flowing from it?

I dunno, electricity? Robots typically run on electrical power.

It hadn’t felt like an electric shock, it felt more… life-like, something that you’d imagine when a fortune teller detailed life energy.

And everyone knows fortune tellers are veritable founts of reliable information.

Or when you’d done a heap of exercise and your body tingled in the afterglow. Just like an orgasm, he supposed.

Damn. I must be exercising wrong.

There really was something weird about Foxy, the robot seemed to understand things differently, or at least, he had to, to have not attacked him when they first met.

Foxy didn’t immediately try to murder you, so that makes him special and fuck-worthy? Blind Mike the Robot Fondler has some really odd and specific relationship goals.

The other animatronics saw him as an endoskeleton, but what did he see? Did his night-mode get messed up into a day-mode? Did he see him as a child? He couldn’t imagine it, not with the way Foxy talked to him.

…I really hope that’s not the case. If Foxy does understand what sex is and if he is having sexual feelings towards Blind Mike the Robot Fondler, then Foxy perceiving Blind Mike the Robot Fondler to be a child while having sexual feelings for him just makes everything so much worse.

This fic has taken a sharp turn into some very dark territory.

Even when the clock chimed 6am, and the doors opened loudly, he didn’t move from his seat. He stayed there in silence, mind clouded with thoughts of Foxy, until Marshal eventually showed up and kicked him out with a prompt “Go and fantasise about your boyfriend at home, for fucks sake.”

Hey, it’s the pointless character Marshal who wasn’t going to appear in the fic again! He seemed like a chill bro, can’t we focus on him and not Blind Mike the Robot Fondler? Please?


I think that’s another chapter break.

When mike finally started passively thinking about things that weren’t Foxy he was at home, sitting in his bed with only his underwear on.

… I’m just going to nope right the hell on over that and not question why he was sitting on his bed in his underpants while thinking about Foxy.

“How did I even get here?”

I’ve been asking myself that question for quite a while.

Even if he tried, all he could remember was a daze of walking down the street and walking into a pole every few minutes.

Blind Mike the Robot Fondler must live in a stereotypical cartoon town, with loads of inattentive people just watching him act like a dumbass.

He was dead tired, his eyes heavy, and head aching. He didn’t even react when he fell backwards into his bed as he passed out.

Does Blind Mike the Robot Fondler ever do anything remotely resembling work? He checked the cameras twice, and both times decided that everyone was in the kitchen, and that was about it. He seemed to have spent most of the time being groggy and/or awkward While Foxy was doing all the work of keeping Blind Mike the Robot Fondler from being attacked.

(A/N after this point)



Whoops? Like, “Ooops, I accidentally sat down, wrote out a chapter strongly flavored with molestation themes, and then posted it on the Internet!”?

I wrote this in like two hours lmaoo.

And it certainly shows.

Sorry its shit and I haven’t posted sooner, but, like, quite a few people have actually looked at this shit storm since 2018 started?

That might have just been me. There were only three reviews left on the fic in all of 2017, so I imagine any sort of traffic would be an increase.

And? I am shook?

You’re shook? I had to read the damned thing.

Mike is seriously taking advantage of Foxy


Does this mean that the author is deliberately making Blind Mike the Robot Fondler a molester and/or rapist? Is this meant to be a romantic situation? Because it isn’t; it very much isn’t.

and yes, I changed my mind, Mike is gonna fuck the robot.

:deadpan: Really. I had no idea. I am shocked at this revelation.

I already know how too lmao.

I assume he’s going to stick his penis in the gaping hole in Foxy’s chest, since that was mentioned during the groping scene and Blind Mike the Robot Fondler is fixated on that area.

Don’t worry, his dick won’t get mangled… yet. ..

Considering how terrible and unlikable the character is, I really don’t care if his penis gets damaged.

Also, sorry for lore inaccuracies, I just want this to seem interesting in the very least.

It’s ‘interesting’ in the same vein that car accidents are interesting; you don’t want to look but at the same time you can’t help but look.

I wanted to give the end this sorta feeling like,” what in the fuck is happening”, sorta feeling.

Congratulations, you have succeeded.

So, while Mike having no shit of a clue is a side effect of Foxy I also wanted it to be something else like fatigue and me being dumb. Lmaoo

Let me get this straight; Foxy is somehow responsible for Blind Mike the Robot Fondler being stupid, tired, and thinking that it’s okay to sexually assault someone who probably doesn’t understand what sex is?

P.s please hmu with a review, tell me if you think this is as shit as I think it is.

Honestly, there are things that the fic does okay with – notably the animatronics’ lack of facial expressions – but the narration is inconsistent and uneven, the characters are flat, and there’s a big focus on disgusting smells and stains for some reason. And a lot of the phrasing is just weird, likely because the author rushed through it and didn’t bother editing anything. Then there’s Blind Mike the Robot Fondler trying to justify his molestation of Foxy, which I am completely uncomfortable with. That’s just a big ol’ nope right there.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go scrub my brain with steel wool and Brain Bleach.

27 Comments on “1955: Five night’s with Foxy and Mike – Chapter 3”

  1. AdmiralSakai says:

    When Bonnie finally left, (three damn minutes later, mind you) Mike let his attention fall fully on the robot standing across from him.
    It was a mere twenty seconds of staring before he remembered he actually had a job and should probably keep doing it.

    I haven’t seen a character with this obvious of an internal chronometer since Sonic.exe.

  2. AdmiralSakai says:

    Subconsciously, he had been sensing a lively energy within the animatronic,

    Foxy is strong in the Force?

    That… actually explains a lot.

  3. AdmiralSakai says:

    Bonnie. Mike thought groggily, his head was filled with sudden lights as foxy removed his hand from his face, the power he felt leaving with it.

    You may be having a tonic-conic seizure. Someone should call for an ambulance.

    He felt so tired, but Foxy seemed to have a renewed pep to his demeanour.

    I guess he really likes administering electric shocks to your brain-box. It’s almost like he gets a real charge out of it.

    That, or Foxie is secretly part Metroid.

  4. AdmiralSakai says:

    It felt as if he was looking at an animal, calculating and understanding.

    Both things animals are known to be good at.

  5. BatJamags says:

    That’s all for this fic, dear Patrons; there’s been no activity or updates in years so it likely has been abandoned. Now I’m off to rummage through my pile for my next fic. It’ll be a surprise for all of us.

    Chapter 3

    Well, shit.

  6. BatJamags says:

    (three damn minutes later, mind you)

    a mere twenty seconds

    another minute or so

    And suddenly, creepypasta. When does the skeleton pop out?

    • BatJamags says:

      It didn’t make sense to his tired mind how that could be, until Foxy met his eyes and the life within them made his mind real.


  7. BatJamags says:

    Mike looked up to him through his lashes

    Generally, when one looks, one does so through one’s lashes. Why is this important to point out?

  8. BatJamags says:

    Please don’t use the word ‘pregnant’ in this fic again.


    Please don’t use words in this fic again.

    Fixed that for you.

  9. BatJamags says:

    it fell heavily onto his lap, pulling a wince from his form.

    “It clattered onto his lap, causing him to wince.”

    You can have that one for free, author.

    • GhostCat says:

      Yeah, it becomes very obvious very quickly that the author rushed through writing this chapter and didn’t bother to do any sort of editing before posting it. There’s just a lot of weird phrasing all over the place.

  10. BatJamags says:

    I guess he really likes administering electric shocks to your brain-box. It’s almost like he gets a real charge out of it.

  11. BatJamags says:

    It didn’t make sense to his tired mind how that could be, until Foxy met his eyes and the life within them made his mind real.

    What does that even mean?

  12. BatJamags says:

    “Sink?” Mike stopped in a pause,

    “Stopped in a pause…?” BatJamags trailed off, “Ah, no, that’s not how those words work. You should be sorry.”

  13. BatJamags says:

    When mike finally started passively thinking

    Was he, by any chance, frenching passively?

    Because I really hope not.