1639: The Savior – Chapters Six and Seven

Title: The Savior
Video Game
 Dark Souls
Chapter Four
Critiqued by Leider Hosen

 !!Warning!! While the following riff contains no coercion for sex or explicit sex, it doles out some outrageous levels inflammatory content. If seeing shitty sexist people handling women in a shitty sexist way is something that gets you really miffed, you will want to skip the entire latter half of this riff. Additionally, if you love fluffy tails, the Sledgehammers of Punishment will be complimentary after I’m finished.

Abrelepine: Fluffy tails?

Pontiff Sulyvahn: Please don’t tell me my fears will be realized now.

Yeah. I’m very sorry. Will you be okay? I don’t mind if you sit this one out.

Pontiff Sulyvahn: I will not allow this work of literary rubbish to break my will.

Alright. Welcome to the next thrilling instalment of The Savior! A fic that proves that no matter how bad a badfic is, it can always get worse. When we last left off, Savior Stu sexed two of the Daughters of Chaos, making sure to rub his oh so strong, masculine manliness in Quelaan’s face in a bout of unadulterated character assassination. He then took on Sen’s Fortress, proving that no feat of heroism is too great for our intrepid Stu as he cleared the entire map in one sentence, then left another beloved Dark Souls icon in the dust and used the mighty Sword of Pretentious Name to one-shot the Iron Golem when his Necromancer Bolt (Do not steal) somehow failed to down the boss.

And… actually that’s it. Honestly it’s astonishing I can juice so much content out of this fucker because 99% of the story threads through the treacherous depths of the Formless Void and is so bare-bones everything it’s a miracle there’s a plot at all.

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