1634: SONIC HIGH SCHOOL – Chapter Six

Author: DarkDoomFireMaster
Media:  Video Game
Topic: Sonic the Hedgehog
Genre: Drama/Romance
URL: Chapter Six
Critiqued by Lyle and Koori

-Explicit Sexual Content Warning-

*sigh*  This chapter is NSFW.  I can’t believe I had to put this up here… seriously.  I didn’t see this coming.

*Lyle flounches into her office, a brightly colored Play-Skool style rotary phone in her hands.  She plomps it down on her desk at the same instant she drops into her chair*

Merry Winter Holiday of Your Choice!  I think the last time I counted, there are at least… uhm… *ticks off fingers and mutters under her breath* Christmas, Hanukkah, Festivus, Saturnalia, Winter Solstice, sometimes Eid Al-Adha depending on how the calendar falls… this year it was in September, though, but I’m still counting it because it’ll eventually be in December again…. Yule, Kwanzaa…

Well, you get the picture.  Winter is a time when things are cold as hell and people need a reason to celebrate.  Almost every culture has a winter holiday.  So whichever you observe, I hope it was fantabulous.

*glances out the still-open door*

You coming?

Koori: *drags an anvil into the room*  What the hell, Miss Lyle?  What are we even going to use this for?

I’m sure something will come up. For now, stick it next to my desk.  I’ll put my new phone on it.

Koori:  Why didn’t you ask Lina to carry this?  She’s the one with super-human vampire strength!

I promised your dads that I’d make sure you kept up with your training.  This is good for you.  Now, less talk, more anvil Feng-shui.

Now, while Koori gets that into place, let’s get on with today’s riff.  Last time, Sonic received a very peculiar fortune cookie that told him he’d be happy if he finally confessed his lust for Tails, but he totally misinterpreted the message and instead had Tails help him to help Espio get ready to have sex with Rogue.  To do this, they gave Espio an invisibility… hat.  I couldn’t make this shit up if I tried.

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