1620: Love & Bullets – Chapter One

Title: Love & Bullets
Author: MissScorp
Media: Comics
Topic: Batman
Genre: Drama/Romance
URL: Love & Bullets – Chapter One
Critiqued by BatJamags (BadJamags and GoodJamags)

Hello once again, patrons! I’m your guest host, BatJamags, and I’m back with another awful Batman fic. I started writing a riff for something else (My Inner Life – I was considering it because it was the subject of the first riff I ever read, but as of this edit, Ert’s already riffing it), but the riff sucked, so I scrapped it. So, I just grabbed a Batfic I found when I was looking for Arkham Asylum. It looks pretty bad, so I figured I’d take a stab at it. We’re in for a long chapter today, and I’m really hoping the later ones don’t babble this much.

Let’s start with the summ-



*GoodJamags is standing in the middle of a smoking hole in the wall, surrounded by red-clad troopers*

GoodJamags: Hi!

You could’ve used the Door. It’s not like you ever shy away from inviting yourself in.

GoodJamags: Yeah, I know, but this time it’s a hostile takeover of your riff.

Are we sure you’re the good one?

GoodJamags: Of course! You can tell because your minions are called mooks and mine are called redshirts!

First of all, the mooks were mostly scrapped from the last riff except for one throwaway DRD trap.

Second, redshirts like the Star Trek ones?

GoodJamags: No relation (mostly).

Like Agig’s riffleet ones?

GoodJamags: Still no relation. Anyway, the point is that I’m going to riff with you now!

Lovely. As I was sayi-

GoodJamags: Let’s take a look at the summary!

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