1011: Beauty within the beast – Chapters 7 & 8

Title: Beauty within the beast
Author: Sessh-Amy
Media: Movie
Topic:  The Beauty and The Beast
Genre: Romance/Drama
URL: Chapter 7
URL: Chapter 8
Critiqued by Ghostcat (with special guest Ishi)

Standard greetings, beloved Patrons!

I’m here with more tender, juicy fic to whet your appetites! The last chapters were a long, dull slog featuring Gaston’s attempts at being seductive, a double scoop of plot regurgitation, and everyone’s favorite soap opera trope, Feigned Amnesia.

“That sounds like the name of one of those angry screaming people the young ones are so fond of.”

:shrugs: I’ve heard worse band names.

In case you can’t tell, dear Patrons, today I’m joined by my good buddy Ishi-sensei. The clan insisted, something about how I’m “too volatile” to handle these chapters alone.

“I believe the exact phrasing concerned your hobby of setting yourself on fire when feeling intense anger, Ghostcat-sama.”

Meh. Same difference. You’d think a clan of merciless assassins could handle a little fire.

“You have personally melted three Riffing Chambers, reduced five to irreparable rubble, and caused a Library-wide respawn event, Ghostcat-sama. There is also the matter of Fumiko-san’s begonias.”

That was not my fault! I told Gumdrop I was ticklish and he just wouldn’t stop. I still think they’re overreacting about the chambers, but I guess I’ll put up with you for now.

:Ishi bows: “One is whelmed by your generous nature, Ghostcat-sama.”

I think that should be “overwhelmed”, sensei.

“As you like, Ghostcat-sama.”

:Ghostie glares at Ishi:

I’m watching you, ninja-boy.

Authors note*

:eye-twitch: Great, an opening Author’s Note.

:Ishi discreetly preps a fire extinguisher:

Yeah…I feel as though this is an awkward yet cute chapter xD

…And? Is there a reason you’re telling the audience this? Ever?

“Perhaps the author is proud of their work.”

You wouldn’t say that if you’d read the first six chapters.

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