1033: Persona 3: Trade Me – Chapter 25

Title: Persona 3: Trade Me
Author: Bayanette Winters
Media: Video Game
Topic: Persona
Genre: Romance/Adventure
URL: Chapter 25
Critiqued by Erttheking

Nora: We are hauling ass back there but he might reach you before us! He’s got a pretty good head start!

Goeth: Copy that! I’m bringing the plasma cannon online! I’ve added a few laser turrets to the defense grid as well. They were meant for point defense, shooting down missiles and the like, but with enough concentration they should still be able to put one hell of a hole in him.

Ert: We got anything else?

Goeth: I appreciate your faith in my Ert, I really do, but I’ve only got two hands and whatever drones I can get rigged together. We’re kind of in the middle of nowhere and I’ve been focusing most of my efforts on repairing the engine. And by repair I mean, pull out whatever bits aren’t completely fried and using them to build a new one. I’m making progress but with the lack of materials out here you have no idea how much stuff I have to jury rig. I honestly am holding the laser turrets together with duct tape.

Ert: When we get to a place where we can properly restock, you need to build a force field for this place.

Goeth: *Rolls out paper* already have the blueprints written up. Study them at your leisure. Won’t stop capital ship fire, but anything smaller will have to take its time getting through. Should stop boarders to.

Woods: *Takes blueprint* I’ll look at that and figure out what parts the doctor will need. Until then, might as well get back to reviewing.

Chapter 22

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