942: Life with Raptors – Chapter Eight

Title: Life with Raptors
Author:   AwesomeHunter77
Media: Movie
Topic: Jurassic Park
Genre:  Humor/Drama
URL: Life with Raptors
Critiqued by TacoMagic and Eliza

Hello and welcome back to Life with Raptors, the Jurassic Park fic that’s lean on the Jurassic Park and heavy on the Edward Cullen Raptor Expy.  As usual, sitting co-pilot is Eliza.  Say hello, Eliza.


You ruined the joke.

“Yes I did.”

Last time May and Seth had their falling out.  It’s basically the same one that Rae and Sorin have, but for a different reason this time.  Once again, the Tree-Cave makes its appearance, but this time without Josh or a rampaging Tyrannosaurus.  May spends some time doing some ‘survival,’ if that is what you can call that mess of incompetence we were treated to.

Oh, and Seth also has a PCC brand Prophetic Dream of Foreshadowing™.  And that was pretty much it. Read the rest of this entry »