753: My Immortal – Chapter Thirty-Four and Thirty-Five

Title: My Immortal
Author: Tara (reposted by the lovely internet trolls)
Media: Book / Movie
Topic:  Harry Potter
Genre: Romance / angst
URL:  My Immortal – Chapter 34 and 35
Critiqued by Lyle

*peeks out from under her desk*

Do I have to?  Really?  Can’t we just be like “Sorry, this fic is gone from the internets forever!”?  No?  Fine.

*crawls out from under the desk and flops into her chair*  Let’s get this over with.

Last time on My Immortal, Ebony somehow managed to go back in time through a penseive, even though that’s not how that works.  She meets Tom Riddle almost immediately, although he calls himself Satan because GOFF.  He claims that’s his middle name, but that throws off the whole “I am Lord Voldemort” being a rearrangement of his full name of “Tom Marvolo Riddle.”  They do some jazz hands, talk cryptically about companies that don’t exist in England, and time-squiggle the fuck out of just about everything.  Then Ebony falls through a random trap door and ends up back in her own time.  Dumbledore is inexplicably there and Professor Sinister comes in crying about how she’s addicted to either Veritaserum or Voldemortserum.  I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be the former but misspelled as the latter, or if it’s supposed to be a different type of serum that Tara has invented for [purpose.]

In chapter 33, Sinister rejects the idea of going to Saint Chiquita Banana for treatment and Ebony wanders off with Draco to have a very awkward conversation about how far she has or intends to go with Voldemort in her attempts to seduce him.  Draco surprises Ebony by showing her Lupin and Snape getting poked by Sirius then they went back to her room.  Ebony and Draco got dressed in order to undress each other.  Sex happens and then Draco belches on her.


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