751: Tales of Vesperia: The Blastia Age Restored – Chapter Three, Part One

Title: Tales of Vesperia 2: Blastia Age Restored
Author: MrAwesomeMattyDA
Media: Video Game
Topic:  Tales of Vesperia
Genre: Adventure/Humor
URL: Chapter 3
Critiqued by SC

Hello, and welcome back to Tales of Vesperia 2: The Blastia Age Restored! I’m your host and guest-riffer, SC, and last time, I and two trained swordsmen, as well as everybody else in the comments did a slow blink at how stupid Tai was in combat. Estelle, too, but I absolve her of her sins based on the fact that it was fic-Estelle, and game-Estelle is a fair deal smarter than Matty depicts her.

Sports Shades decided that because I had rectified the issues with him from last time, he was okay to duck back out again, and Specs won’t be joining us for this chapter.

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