748: A Jedi’s Destiny – Chapters Three and Four

Title: A Jedi’s Destiny
Victor Tarsus
Media: Movies
Topic: Lion King / Star Wars
Genre: Sci-Fi / Adventure
URL:  A Jedi’s Destiny
Critiqued by TacoMagic

Warning: This chapter references the Holocaust.  It’s not painted as a good thing, but it is trivialized as a plot device.  You have been warned.

Also, Fraug, you’ll want to be well armed for when we get there.  I left the key in the gong-launcher for you.

Welcome back to another installment of A Jedi’s Destiny the fic that dares to be a wish-fulfillment action/romance fic without any action or romance in it.  But there’s wish fulfillment.  Oh boy, is there ever.

Last week we met our resident self-insert Stusome Evil McBland… or whatever you want to call him.  He’s a presumably a human turned lion, who may or may not be anthropomorphic, who hooks up with Zira, the antagonist from the second Lion King movie, who also may or may no be anthropomorphic due a stay in a cave of transmorgrafication.  Or something.  This pile of crap is really bad at explaining anything important, like setting, characters, plot, and the like.

At one point we cut to the White House where there was a meeting that exposited stuff we already knew, and we’re introduced to a guy with an evil name, Valekahn, who will likely serve as our antagonist for this fic.  I’m just gonna call him Kahn.  Anyway, Kahn starts working on some anti-lion technology because, apparently, tanks, machine guns, and bombers are not all that good at stopping lions.

And then we ended with Simba having some deep foreboding about Zira still being alive.  Probably because she tried to kill him several times prior to her cliff-dive. Read the rest of this entry »