1496: The war of O’khasis – Chapter Four

Title: The war of O’khasis
Author: princessteda12
Media: Movie
Topic: Disney’s Mulan Minecraft
Genre: Adventure / Fantasy
URL: Chapter Four
Critiqued by Lyle

Hello, lovelies!  Guess what?  Our author finally realized she had mistaken the name “Mulan” with the word “Minecraft” and moved the fic to the proper area!

Lina:  Or the moderators got off their thumbs and did it for her when they realized what a doorknob they were dealing with.

Given how lazy the FF.net moderators are, it’s kind of a toss-up on which one of those is correct.  Either way, the fic is now listed as Minecraft on the site.  It’s also listed as “complete.”  Including today, we have two chapters and an author’s note posted as a chapter left to go.  Would you care to do the recap?  You’ve been gone for a bit.

Lina:  To tell you the truth, I’ve been so busy at the shop that I have no clue what’s going on in this one.

Well, you honestly haven’t missed much.  This won’t take long to get you up to speed.  Racheal is a princess who likes to climb trees.  Her father, who is also a kingdom, tells her they’re in great danger because werewolves have teamed up with bandits and are going to attack their city.  Racheal sneaks out with a character blob and they go into a forest to have a pointless conversation with a thief-girl about the issue before returning home.  Racheal goes to bed and gets woken up by one of the guards because the castle is on fire(?) and being bombed by the enemy.  Instead of evacuating the castle for someplace potentially safer, they bring everyone from the town into the castle and have a mattress sleepover party in the *snort* lobby of the castle.  All while the castle is in danger of falling down all around them.  Also, PapaCity is really bad at battle tactics.

Chapter four is slightly longer than the others at a whopping 1500 words so lets get started.

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