1284: The Legend of Dragoon: The Eighth Spirit – Chapter Thirty-Five

Title: The Legend of Dragoon: The Eighth Spirit
Author: PhoenixofShadows
Media: Video Game
Topic: Legend of Dragoon
Genre: Fantasy/Adventure
URL: The Legend of Dragoon: The Eighth Spirit
Critiqued by TacoMagic and Swenia

Welp, this is it, we’re finally here.  The last chapter.

“That means I get my Wednesdays back, right?”

For the time being, yes.  Eliza hasn’t had as much face time in the riffs as you or Crunchy, so I’m planning on making my next big collaboration with her.

“You’re stealing my babysitter!?”

Maybe you could ask Shad-

*Panicked screaming echoes in from the hallway*

Um, well, I’m sure you’ll find somebody.

“Ugh, fine.   I guess I’ll handle the recap this week.  Last time, uh, did anything happen?”

Let’s go look.

*Ten minutes of reading the last riff later*

“Ah right, that stupid-ass dream sequence with Stanky’s mom.  Then the party hangs out on an island for a bit, and nothing important really happens except they go from one part of the island to another part of the island.  The new part has a town and a port on it or something.  And then we started drinking.”

Yeah, it gets really hazy after the drinking bit.

“I vaguely remember making a pass at… somebody and getting shut down because I was a little steaming drunk.”

I think it was Markus.  Again.

“Damn, I need to drink in a place where I can hit on a greater variety of people.”

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1269: The Legend of Dragoon: The Eighth Spirit – Chapter Thirty-Four

Title: The Legend of Dragoon: The Eighth Spirit
Author: PhoenixofShadows
Media: Video Game
Topic: Legend of Dragoon
Genre: Fantasy/Adventure
URL: The Legend of Dragoon: The Eighth Spirit
Critiqued by TacoMagic and Swenia

“Ugh!  Are we still doing this thing!?”

Yup, another two weeks.

“It’s going so much slower than I imagined!”

Pretty true of the whole fic, really.  Last chapter was pretty empty of substance.  I really doesn’t need a recap beyond that spooky stuff happened on the ghost ship that was too vague to be interesting or useful to the audience and then Rose, Dart, Meru, and Stanky ended up falling into the ocean and getting swept away.  That’s pretty much it.  After getting swept away they find themselves

Chapter XXXIV: Stranded in Lidiera

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1262: The Legend of Dragoon: The Eighth Spirit – Chapter Thirty-Three

Title: The Legend of Dragoon: The Eighth Spirit
Author: PhoenixofShadows
Media: Video Game
Topic: Legend of Dragoon
Genre: Fantasy/Adventure
URL: The Legend of Dragoon: The Eighth Spirit
Critiqued by TacoMagic and Swenia

Three left.  We’re getting this sucker done by the end of the year!


Unfortunately that does mean we still have three more weeks of this schlop.  And it’ll probably feel even longer than the eight months leading up to now.

“Sorta like that last fifteen minutes at work on a Friday.”

Last time we had a very brief chapter where they were on a boat.  That was pretty much it.  They also saw the ghost ship, which I presume this chapter is going to revolve around.

Chapter XXXIII: The Ghost Ship

Called it.

“You must be so happy.”

Yeah, not really.

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1255: The Legend of Dragoon: The Eighth Spirit – Chapter Thirty-Two

Title: The Legend of Dragoon: The Eighth Spirit
Author: PhoenixofShadows
Media: Video Game
Topic: Legend of Dragoon
Genre: Fantasy/Adventure
URL: The Legend of Dragoon: The Eighth Spirit
Critiqued by TacoMagic and Swenia

“Ugh, are we there yet?”

No, we certainly aren’t.

“How about now?”

No, we’re not there yet.


NO!  Don’t make me turn this riff around.   I’ll make the both of us riff everything we’ve done to date, but backwards!

“But it’s sooooooo looooooooooong!”

Hey, just because we’ve been doing this fic since the beginning of time, doesn’t mean it’s long.

So, last time the blob managed to squeltch their way into a magical painting in which princess Emille is trapped in magical slumber.  As soon as they arrive, she wakes up… because that’s how magical slumber works.  Using the power of her kindness, they break into the ceremony and expose the impostor, who happens to be a winglie by the name of Lenus.  They show down with her in the worst fight scene ever written, and she steals the Moon Dagger and bugs off.  The chapter ends with Stanky noticing that Meru looks like a winglie.

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1248: The Legend of Dragoon: The Eighth Spirit – Chapter Thirty-One Part Two

Title: The Legend of Dragoon: The Eighth Spirit
Author: PhoenixofShadows
Media: Video Game
Topic: Legend of Dragoon
Genre: Fantasy/Adventure
URL: The Legend of Dragoon: The Eighth Spirit
Critiqued by TacoMagic and Swenia

“So, how was the trip?”

Not great.  The standard gambit of fall illness you get as a parent really put a crimp on the mini-vacation.

“And then you get to come home to another day of this fic.”

I was trying not to think about that.

“So what happened last time?  Glad you asked!”

But I didn-

“Last time there was much mayhem in the castle!  Well, at least that’s what the chapter title told us was going on, which I assume was taking place in a different part of the castle.  What we actually got to see was our nefarious character blob bully some bandits-turned-knights who were doing a pretty good job.  After being defeated by these knights, the group snuck into the castle in order to fetch themselves a princess.  Because she’s apparently way more useful at getting past the guards than they are.  Which, actually, does indeed prove to be the case as she handily browbeats a gaggle of guard into submission, allowing the blob to break into Princess Emille’s room.  We leave off with the group staring at a ransacked, yet untouched room.”

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