2530: Mass Murder Effect: The First War Crime (Was Committed By The Protagonists) — Chapter 10 Part 2

Title: Mass Effect: The First War
Author: ProfFartBurger
Media: Video Game
Topic: Mass Effect
Genre: Adventure/Sci-Fi
URL: Chapter 10
Critiqued by AdmiralSakai

Hello hello all you patrons, and welcome back to Mass Effect: The First War.

Previously, the Council bickered a lot about how best to backstab the turians for temporary advantage over the humans (which, honestly, remains the most in-character anyone has ever been in this ‘fic), and the humans reaffirmed their commitment to utterly destroy Palaven (and also the turians’ oldest colony planet) even though their leadership now knows that the whole conflict was started by the mass-murdering quarians under false pretenses. Also they are literally being led by Grand Moff Tarkin.

I have to wonder- was this information ever made public, or is everyone other than Director Whyney still being fed the lie that all of this was the turians’ fault? Because last time Whyney said that he was committed to the whole “Cipritine is too remote” business because of public pressure (which is bullshit, BTW, because a government that only ever does what’s popular is hardly a government at all) and presumably revealing that it was in fact the quarians’ fault might dim the fires just a little.

Oh yeah, and we POV’d one of those stupid SPARTAN knockoffs (WHO IS TOTALLY NOT THE MASTER CHIEF WITH LESS PERSONALITY, GUYZ!) for a while as he fucked around taking out turian anti-air guns in Tokyo, and it was all pretty pointless, so I am sure we will be seeing much more of him in the future.


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