2540: Five Nights with Jack – Chapter 4

Title: Five Nights with Jack
Author: mah29732
Media: Video Game/TV Show
Topic: Five Nights at Freddy’s/Samurai Jack
Genre: Mystery/Suspense
URL: Chapter 4
Critiqued by Ghostcat





Hello, dear Patrons, and welcome to more … whatever this trainwreck is.

In the last chapter there was a confrontation between Jack and Aku, until Aku got bored and wandered off. Then some other stuff happened, but no one really cares about that because it probably isn’t important.

Also, the Big Book of Ponderations for Sleepless Nights is still here, hovering in the corner, and a cluster of raccoons has built a shrine that mostly looks to be made of tin foil and apple cores around it. Not sure where the raccoons came from, but I’ve learned not to question things too closely.

Chapter 4: Sensing Aku

Is it really that hard to find a near-omnipotent shape-shifting demon who rules the entire universe?

Jack was awaiting the next night when he was doing his best during the day to try to hunt for Aku.

From inside the pizza restaurant, where he’s locked up until the five nights have passed. All Aku would have to do to get away is just … Leave.

It’s almost as if this fic is designed to suck all the dramatic tension out of itself.

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