2523: D&D Tag Along – Chapter 1, Part 2

Title: D&D Tag Along
Author: Tint
Media: Tabletop RPG
Topic: Dungeons & Dragons
Genre: Adventure / Fantasy
URL: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2159233/1/D-D-Tag-Along
Critiqued by BatJamags and Kane

Hello once again, patrons! I’m your guest host, BatJamags, and welcome back to the second half of the first chapter of D&D Tag Along, the stupidly-named fic where hockey fighting skills abound!

Last time, our Hockey Warrior Stu fought some “punks” and got shanked. I wonder if the plot will maintain the same breakneck pace through the rest of the fic.

Kane: No, I imagine if his neck had been broken, there wouldn’t be any more, which would be a considerably more tolerable state of affairs.

The clock beside my bed gave off a faint red glow. The numbers told me that the time was one o’clock in the morning. The hospital staff had mostly left for the night. The only ones remaining were some janitors, a security guard or two, and the night emergency crew.

1: Look, author. I get it. The bold is to denote the beginning of a new scene. Just use a goddamn line break. Not a dull_and_grim line break, not XXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXX, just a normal fucking line break.

2: That is not remotely how hospitals work. They have to have people on staff at all times, because health issues don’t wait until standard working hours to happen. They might have fewer staff at night since there’s not much in the way of appointments or business, but there’s going to be plenty of nurses and doctors on duty for emergencies and patients who need continuous care.

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