1478: Mortal Kombat: A New Hero’s Journey – Introduction, and Chapters 1 and 2

Title: Mortal Kombat: A New Hero’s Journey
Author: cw2k
Media: Video Game
Topic: Mortal Kombat
Genre: Parody/Romance
URL: Prologue
URL: Chapter 1
URL: Chapter 2
Critiqued by Herr Wozzeck

NOTE: The fic being snarked contains explicit sexual content. Therefore, this riff is rated NSFW. Read at your own discretion.

Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to another installment of stuff. This time, we’re going into a fandom I actually don’t have the greatest familiarity with. But, it is a for a game everybody knows. So you guys might be asking “wait, if you don’t know it that well, why are you snarking it?

Well… those of you that keep up with my social media exploits know that I have a Twitter. (My handle is @HerrWozzeck, if you guys want to follow along on Twitter.) And on Twitter, I follow an account called Fanfiction_txt (@fanfiction_txt), and they often retweet fanfiction-related things. Well… today’s fic was actually discovered through that account. Why? Because the account tweeted a printscreen of the fic’s reviews session.

The tweet is as follows:

Yep. The author wrote reviews on their own page, which is one of my fanfiction red flags. Worse, it also tries to advertise the stuff that happens in the fic in the reviews. I don’t know what’s sadder: the desperation required to advertise your fic’s chapters like this, or the fact that it’s self-defeating because who the fuck would go in the reviews of a fic to see the author advertise their own fic’s chapters?

So when I saw that, I knew I had to snark this fic. And lo, here it is!

And without any further ado, let’s get started, shall we?

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