1484: Heroes and Villains – Chapter Three, Part Two

Title: Heroes and Villains
Author: Horrible’s Igor
Media: Television / Movies
Topic: Buffy: The Vampire Slayer / Kitchen Sink
Genre: Supernatural/Drama
URL: Heroes and Villains
Critiqued by TacoMagic and Eliza

Hello, and welcome back to another installment of ‘Heroes and Villains’ the script-turned-fic that tries to answer the question: ‘How much nothing can you describe with seventy-eight thousand words?’

With me again this week is Eliza, who, if I’m not mistaken, is packing a pair of snow-cones.

“I thought they’d get us into the spirit today.”

Did you make those?

“Yup!  This one is soy sauce and this one is pickle brine.  Which would you like.”

Uhh.  Wow, that’s tough.  I’d hate to deprive you of one of those.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine with whatever one you don’t want!”


I’ll take soy sauce.

Anyway, last time we had … I don’t even know what I’d call it.  It’s like Willow had some kind of mental break or something, but everything was so freaking vague and horribly formatted I can’t even decide what the author was trying to go for.  It was just a hot mess of pronoun misuse, random dialogue, and spliced-in italicized thought.

“Lucky for us, this week we get to start off with a new character!”


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