1138: The Legend of Dragoon: The Eighth Spirit – Chapter Nineteen

Title: The Legend of Dragoon: The Eighth Spirit
Author: PhoenixofShadows
Media: Video Game
Topic: Legend of Dragoon
Genre: Fantasy/Adventure
URL: The Legend of Dragoon: The Eighth Spirit
Critiqued by TacoMagic and Swenia

“So, Taco, what one-shot do we… well… crap.”

Yup, we’re back into it this week.  We’ve had a solid month off this turkey, so now it’s time to head into the home stretch.

“It would feel more like the home stretch if we weren’t only at the halfway point.”

So, to catch everyone up, last chapter Scheef completed his takeover of protagonist from Dart by knocking him out of the tournament and taking his place in all the matches.  Luckily Lloyd still got to stomp Sniffle down in their match, so there’s that.  Not much else happened really.  Just a bunch of extremely daybook fight scenes where Slump revisits his constant strategy of waiting for the plot to hand him victory.

“Alright, so what do we have this week?” Read the rest of this entry »