1156: A Frozen Corpse – Chapter 2



Title: A Frozen Corpse
Author: laurenlizabeth
Media:  Movie
Topic: Frozen/Corpse Bride
Genre:  Romance/Humor
URL: Chapter Two
Critiqued by Ghostcat





Welcome back to the second half of this slow and stumbling fic, dear Patrons!

What happened in the first chapter? Our intrepid hero, Kristoff, attempted to sell decorative knick-knacks during a time of famine, and was faced with the prospect of serving as a tour guide for Nameless Family (who wanted to go to the top of a desolate mountain for some unknown reason) in order to earn some money. While sulking in the forest, Kristoff managed to summon Zombie Anna out of a rock, and she coerced him (somehow) into taking her up the mountain instead. (It is unclear if Nameless Family are still patiently waiting for Kristoff to arrive.) Kristoff beds down for the night in the snow, but Anna’s relentless chatter drives him to attempt the ascent at night, in the dark. After wandering around for a few minutes, Anna offers to get some transport, and the two venture to a lake where she scratches a message into the ice. Shortly afterwards, Elsa appears as a reflection in the ice, and then drags Kristoff into the frozen lake. Because ice, I guess.

Onward to the fic!

Fear began to swallow him and he attempted to swim, but then he realized that he wasn’t in fact in water, but rather standing on a floor of ice.

I guess ice now possesses the power to teleport people, because his ass should be in an ice-cold lake right now.

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