2083: Whisker Wonka – Pages 16-30

Title: Whisker Wonka
Author: Lizzimba
Media: Film
Topic: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Genre: Comic/Fetish
URL: Whisker Wonka Pages 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
Critiqued by Herr Wozzeck

Hello ladies and gents, and welcome back to Whisker Wonka! In today’s webcomic of suck, we’re going to go a little further into the comic, which should take us to about the halfway point.

Yes, we’ll be at the halfway point at thirty pages: Whisker Wonka is only about 63 pages long, so if nothing else the comic is mercifully short. Well, okay, it’s not I Will Survive short, but at least IWS was pretty to look at. 63 pages for ugly art tends to go by a little faster than that, and I’m just glad we don’t have a 100th page we need to snark, so I’ll take my victories where I can get them.

So anyway, let’s keep going!

We pick up with the end of the tunnel scene:

WW Page 16 Part 1


You know, speaking as one of the three people who never found the tunnel scene to be all that terrifying (or even all that creepy, to be honest), isn’t half the terror supposed to derive from the fact that Willy Wonka just goes along with it and does his hardest to creep out his passengers more? I would think that half the thing that creeps them out is that cryptic poem he starts screaming at the end of the scene.

Jeez, if you’re going to undercut half of the supposed creep factor of the scene, you might as well show some actually grisly imagery!

WW Page 16 Part 2


Okay, that’s actually a pretty funny punchline, at least in concept. That’s actually based on an old comic page of his (this), and I think in concept it’s actually a good way to poke fun at himself.

In concept. The problem is, his art style really hasn’t improved much since then. Sure, the line-art is at least cleaner, but not by much. Also, most of the same problems are still there: the lack of erased sketch layer, the fact that the eyes are wonky (seriously, look at Itchigo’s eyes in that panel and tell me those aren’t wonkily-drawn eyes for that expression), the still-iffy backgrounds… If anything, the still he chose from that comic actually oddly looks better than most of what we actually see in Whisker Wonka.

So it’s a good concept, but unfortunately, the joke needs to incur plenty of improvement, not just “my lines are a little thinner now”. And then there’s the whole fact that he’s also a narcissist, but one thing at a time…

“Is it a room where we have well-drawn eyes for once?”

“Well… no guarantees.”

“Good anatomy?”

“No guarantees either.

“Uh… Mr. Wonka, can we go home now?”

“No, adulties! You are trapped in my factory forever, where my poor grasp of drawing will be your doom! Mwahahahahahaha!”

WW Page 18 Part 1

Ah yes, because a cheap knock-off of Chuck’E’Cheese needed to get his pizza recipes and his animatronics and most especially his penchant for hiring child killers as employees from… a chocolate factory?


Even by the standards of most shoehorned pop culture references, this one is especially nonsensical, enough that it makes Game Theory videos based around Mr. Fazbear sound intelligent!

WW Page 18 Part 2 WW Page 19 Part 1

“This room is so spectacular that my eyes died and my speech bubble assaulted the border of the panel!”

WW Page 19 Part 2


Wow, calm down, Whisker Wonka!

Goddammit, I can’t believe I had to tell an analogue of Willy Wonka to calm down! I mean, Willy Wonka, of all people!

But the weird thing is, this version of Willy Wonka isn’t as eccentric as any of his other book or film counterparts! Thus, in the moments where he does weird things, they come right the fuck out of nowhere and there’s no real precedent for them! And when that’s happening, one has to wonder what the point really is, you know? If you’re going to tone down his eccentricities, tone them down all the way! This just seems out of place!


Then again, knowing Lizzimba’s character creation abilities, I highly doubt he understands why you make sure an eccentric character stays in character…

Flavored with earwax? Okay, even Willy Wonka isn’t crazy or stupid enough to do that, considering that earwax is actually supposed to have a fairly sour taste. (For reference, earwax has a similar pH as an Anaheim pepper.) And anyway, why are you concentrating on the flavor? As far as making something last for eternity, it’s preservatives you want to look at, not flavorings! And even on that train of logic, I have no idea why the fuck you’d use ear wax as a preservative, considering that earwax turns all crumbly and grainy when it gets dry, so what possible combination of chemicals would turn earwax into the world’s most important preservative?

Like, I don’t really think that counts.

WW Page 21 Part 1

See? Even one of the people you swindled realized this makes no sense!

WW Page 21 Part 2

Oh hey, isn’t this funny? In one single pair of panels, Lizzimba basically summarized the ending of literally every conversation that other people have with him about anything!

WW Page 21 Part 3

Aaaah, so the chewing gum meal is a thing. I’m going to assume this means that Violet Beauregard’s fate is pretty much going to be plot-regurgitated beat by beat?

But Whisker Wonka, how can we do that when you haven’t told us why your eyes look so awful in that last panel! Or do you think the fact that the pupils are drawn unevenly between the two eyes has something to do with it? Because if so, then I just ended it, right?

I mean, at least she avoided Veruca Salt’s fate? I mean, not like this is any better considering that she, much like everybody else that got swindled into taking part in all this, has got literally no character whatsoever, but still, at least it’s a minor victory?

So you know how I said Whisker Wonka had a lot of empathy for a Wonka-type last installment? Scratch that: he’s got none as of this installment.

So ladies and gentlemen, I think you know what’s next. She eats the blueberry pie portion of it, and then she turns into a blueberry, right? So you’d expect it to be quick, yes?

No dice.

WW Page 26

And you wonder why I’m acting completely unsurprised that the inflation into a blueberry was kept exactly the same as it was in the book, yes? Because dammit, if muscle growth is fetish material, then so is being transformed into a giant fucking blueberry, am I right?

Also, oh boy, boobies. Thank God I have the help of Auntie Paint here to censor that shit, right?

WW Page 27

WW Page 28

WW Page 29

Oh nothing, you’re just going to be carted off and taken out of this fetish comic where you’ve been reduced to a sexualized object and then you’ll be on your merry way, yes?

WW Page 30 Part 1

Whoah hold on! What’s with the sudden burst of color!? This comic has had literally nothing in the way of coloring until this point, and then suddenly Violet—I mean, Alice gets coloring to look like a blueberry? And like… This is literally the only time anything gets any splash of color throughout the entirety of Whisker Wonka, and it’s over fucking Violet Beauregarde?

I mean, shit, I know that using a sudden splash of color after a completely colorless palate has been used as a signifier of an important event/concept, but if that’s the case why wasn’t Alice colored this way in the previous panels? And why reserve such a thing for the second character to get dropped like its hot, and only the second character? It’s just such a weird decision, it’s not consistent with the rest of the whole, and what the fuck was Lizzimba thinking when coloring it?


If nothing else should’ve indicated that Lizzimba has no idea what he’s doing when drawing this comic, this singular splash of color right here should be all the indication you need! And especially the fact that even with this splash of color, you can still see the sketch lines underneath!

Jesus Christ, what the fuck did Lizzimba do to get five unlucky souls to willingly agree to be part of this?

*offstage trombone*

Wait, what?


Oooooooh, right, I forgot, furry fandom keeps buying porn from shitty people, because dammit they’ve gotta wank to stuff eventually!

Sorry for forgetting that oh so significant detail!

WW Page 30 Part 2

Can I hold off on that for now? I kinda don’t want to follow you any further for the moment: I think we’ve all had our fill of fetish and Wonka censor bars for the day, yes?

Anyway, that’s all for Whisker Wonka today. Tune in next week, when we go even further into this incompetent mish-mash of dumb fetishes.

Watch, and there isn’t even gonna be any variety in the fetish materials…


32 Comments on “2083: Whisker Wonka – Pages 16-30”

  1. ZuesKillerProductions says:

    Oh nothing, you’re just going to be carted off and taken out of this fetish comic where you’ve been reduced to a sexualized object and then you’ll be on your merry way, yes?

    I know I shouldn’t have been surprised, but somehow, there’s new lows to go.

  2. BatJamags says:

    Whoah hold on! What’s with the sudden burst of color!?

    Oompa Loompa, do-ba-dee-doo,
    I’ve got another puzzle for you.
    Oompa Loompa, do-ba-da-dee,
    If you are wise you’ll listen to me.
    Shaking things up is fine when it’s once in a while,
    It keeps things surprising and spices up your style.
    But it makes you look like a dunce,
    When you change things, but only the once.
    The way a bad writer does.
    Oompa Loompa do-ba-dee-da,
    Given good writing you will go far.
    You will live in happiness too,
    Like the oompa loompa do-ba-dee-doo.

    • Herr Wozzeck says:

      Batjamags, if you do this for every installment of snark of this thing, I will buy you an entire cake should you ever come to Boston.

  3. ZuesKillerProductions says:

    Jesus Christ, what the fuck did Lizzimba do to get five unlucky souls to willingly agree to be part of this?

    *offstage trombone*

    Wait, what?

    The Zaush Issue – leaked private messages make a public discussion.

    Oooooooh, right, I forgot, furry fandom keeps buying porn from shitty people, because dammit they’ve gotta wank to stuff eventually!

    Sorry for forgetting that oh so significant detail!

    Cue Wonka Tunnel.

  4. AdmiralSakai says:

    We pick up with the end of the tunnel scene:

    Wait, the end of the tunnel scene? I thought we were just getting started!

    Did it skip the entire thing?

    Wait, now I’m really confused.

    • Herr Wozzeck says:

      Yeah, he skipped the entire thing, except for the very end.

      Because talentless!

  5. AdmiralSakai says:

    MY GOD, IT’S FULL OF…. kind of terrible perspective, TBH.

  6. ZuesKillerProductions says:

    “Okay, jokes over! Stop destroying my waistline!”

    First that reference to the unfortunate implications of women knowing about black people, and now this.

    Truly a marvel of unfortunate implications at its finest.

  7. SuperFeatherYoshi says:

    Wait… The race to win the prize? I read the book ages ago, but wasn’t the whole point of the chocolate factory tour that the kids don’t know that it’s actually a contest to pick a successor?

    • Herr Wozzeck says:

      Yes, but this is the same comic that forgot that the kids aren’t supposed to know what Oompa Loompas are before they enter the factory, so, you know, why expect the comic to remember that detail?

      • ZuesKillerProductions says:

        Which begs the question as to how they know about the Oompa Loompas in the first place…

        Maybe Whisker had some promotional videos showing his steroid chocolate with the Hollywood Dominatrix versions of the Oompa Loompas.

        And that’s the only explanation I have that’s PG.

        • Herr Wozzeck says:


          I love how you call it “Hollywood Dominatrix”. Dammit, I wish I thought of that earlier!

  8. SuperFeatherYoshi says:

    Also, I’ve literally seen blueberry inflation arts on DeviantArt. May it forever remain unremembered…

  9. Anne Eyewitness says:

    Ah yes, because a cheap knock-off of Chuck’E’Cheese needed to get his pizza recipes and his animatronics and most especially his penchant for hiring child killers as employees from… a chocolate factory?

    Obviously, where else would he learn to make chocolate pizza?

  10. Anne Eyewitness says:

    so is being transformed into a giant fucking blueberry…

    Oh, is it time for this again?

    How embarrassing, etc. etc. Hopefully Lizzimba won’t give me cause to post it again.

  11. "Lyle" says:

    If this is halfway, I dread the second half.

    • SC says:

      I went directly to Lizz’s page to see the second half in all its (uncensored) glory. You’re right to fear.

      • Herr Wozzeck says:

        Very much right. I exposed a pair of friends to it early, and they’re still scarred psychologically.