1321: Samurai Jack meets Batman Beyond – Chapters 1 & 2



Title: Samurai Jack meets Batman Beyond
Author: Jigsaw9856
Media: Cartoon
Topic: Samurai Jack/Batman Beyond
Genre: Adventure
URL: Chapter 1
URL: Chapter 2
Critiqued by Ghostcat





Hello, dear Patrons!

I’m here with a short little fic; although it have twelve chapters, each chapter is so short I’m going to be able to double up on each riff. I found this little nugget in the Samurai Jack section of ff.net; it was announced last December that Adult Swim’s Toonami is producing a new season so I’ve been poking around the section to see if there have been many new fics added in anticipation. This is nominally a crossover between Samurai Jack and Batman Beyond, but … It gets pretty clusterfuckery pretty fast. Let’s take a look at the summary, shall we?

In a world ruled by the master of all evil, two men must team up to overthrow him. Note: appearances from other characters are found without as well.

Not super-helpful; I would assume that these two men mentioned would be Jack and Batman, but that doesn’t really tell me anything. It’s that note at the end that perked up my Librarian antenna. I assume that these “other characters” will be drawn from different canons, since there would be no need to make special note of a canon character appearing, and that usually spells trouble.

I’m not going to go into a long info-dump on the source materials – I’ll cover the relevant areas when they appear but this fic does go off the reservation is a big way pretty early on. Enjoy!

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