1331: Everybody Likes Chocolate – Chapter Seventeen and Eighteen

Title: Everybody Likes Chocolate
Author: nutin-but-JD
Media:  Book / Movie
Topic: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Genre: Romance
Chapter Seventeen
Critiqued by Lyle

Good morning, lovelies!  Welcome back to ELC.  Last time, we pumped out three chapters.  We have seven left.  We’re not in the home stretch, yet, but at least we’re getting a hell of a lot closer.  Last time, we watched as Kitty left the hospital, went back to the factory, and was given a maroon jacket made by Oompa Loompas (who look nothing like actual Oompa Loompas, no matter which canon you base your story on).

I’m flying solo today.  Apparently Lina’s coffee stand is picking up business like mad and Koori said something about needing to take Barty to the vet.  I decided not to ask how she’s planning on taking a one-ton shark to the vet; she’ll figure it out on her own.

Chapter seventeen is called “Somewhat Depressed,” which is an apt description of how I’m sure you all feel after finding out that we’re still reading this piece of crap.

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