1062: Legendary Warriors, Futuristic Saviors – Chapter Three, Part Five

Title: Legendary Adventurers, Futuristic Saviors
Author: Stone-Man85
Media: Movie
Topic: Princess Mononoke
Genre: Adventure/Romance
URL: Chapter 3
Critiqued by SC, Sir Paulo Rori and Dame Cassia Rori

Hello, and welcome back to Legendary Adventurers, Futuristic Saviors, by Stone-Man85!

Even my phone hates this fic!

Even my phone hates this fic!

I’m your host, SC, and last time, Alex was a Big(?) Damn(?) Hero(?) and saved Kaya from Demon!Nago.

We also learned last week that Paulo got hitched and never told anybody! Well, following my advice, he decided to bring his lovely wife Cassia along this time around, making them the second married couple I’ve had as guests in my riffs! And since I’ve already shown you all pictures of what she looks like, we’ll just skip right to the introduction!

Cassia: Pictures? Oh, Paulo, you never told me that you carried pictures of me with you! How sweet!

*Paulo blushes and scratches the back of his head quietly*

He such a sap, isn’t he?

Cassia: Indeed, but that is why I married him.

Well, that’s as good a reason as any.

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