1055: Legendary Adventurers, Futuristic Saviors – Chapter Three, Part Four

Title: Legendary Adventurers, Futuristic Saviors
Author: Stone-Man85
Media: Movie
Topic: Princess Mononoke
Genre: Adventure/Romance
URL: Chapter 3
Critiqued by SC, Sir Paul Rori and Glasses

Hello, and welcome back to Legendary Adventurers, Futuristic Explorers, by Stone-Man85! I’m your host, SC, and God damn, it is good to be back on the riffing list. I was starting to get sick of the oneshots, honestly.

When we last left off, Alex found the Emishi watch tower and then he and the elderly watch guard promptly fell under attack by Demon!Nago, who paid them little mind and went about his way. The old guy called Yakul over to him, and told Alex that he was basically Ashitaka now, so he needed to go save the village.

So, you know, there’s that.

With me this week, as always, is Sir Paul Rori – good to have you back, by the way.

Paulo: It has only been a few months, but I feel like I have forgotten everything about this whole riffing thing.

Don’t worry, it should come back to you.

Also, I couldn’t wrangle Simon this week – caught him at a really bad time, when he was basically slammed with Demonslayer duties. So, instead, I’ve brought along Glasses for this riff, who was unusually excited about helping out despite not knowing anything about Princess Mononoke.

Paulo: Could it have anything to do with lustfulness?

Why do you say that?

*Paulo gestures to his right arm, which Glasses is hugging tightly and also gently nibbling*


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