1000: Insult ob da Innocints of DAmnatashun – Part Threeve

Title: Insult ov de Innocentsa ov DANmnatashaton
Author: JesickaRabbitz16
Media: Mixed
Topic:  Harry Potter/Hunger Games/Twilight/Duck Tales
Genre: Romance/Adventure/Hurt/Comfort/Cheese and Bacon
URL: Part Threeve
Critiqued by  [REDACTED]
(We apologize in advance. – the Librarians)

Good morning, patrons!  Today marks 1000 glorious postings of sucktatude.  As per our usual celebration of milestones, the Librarians have put together the next installment of our own story.  You can find part one and two here and here, respectively.  Although I promise you that any confusion you find yourself experiencing won’t be due to not having read the first two.  Now sit back, pour yourself your drink of choice, and try not to gouge out your eyeballs as you read through our masterpiece.

Here’s to 1000 more posts!


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