1559: Profesor Lupus and the Curse of the Wearwolf – Chapter Four and Five

Title: Profesor Lupus and the Curse of the Wearwolf
Author: KingAurthr2
Media: Book/Movie
Topic: Harry Potter / Lord of the Rings
Genre: Mystery/Adventure
URL: Chapter Four
Critiqued by The Wheel

Last time on “Profesor Lupus,” Lupin and Saruman arrived at Platform 9¾ before leaving the station and going to Diagon Alley to get school supplies, then coming back to the station and finally getting on the train. A young Minerva McGonagall, who will apparently be one of their classmates, rode in a train carriage with them. There was some brief consternation during the ride when the train came to a stop, and a villain named “Moldermore” who was erroneously claimed to be Voldermort’s father arrived to make a vague threat before disappearing.

Chapter 4 opens with the students finally arriving at Hogwarts, and the customary start-of-term feast in the Great Hall.

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