1435: Arkham Asylum – Chapter Three

Title: Arkham Asylum
Author: hathanhate
Media: Comics
Topic: Batman
Genre: Adventure/Hurt/Comfort
URL: Chapter Four
Critiqued by BatJamags

Gary Stu count: 4

Running the Asylum count: 11

Out of Character count: 4

Hello once again, dear patrons! I’m your guest host (Are you still thinking about that too hard? Stop that!) BatJamags, and this…


This is Arkham Asylum.

I thought this one wasn’t too offensive, that it would be easy to riff. But I just had to notice that bit about mental illness, didn’t I? And to top it all off, my co-riffers keep making my life miserable.

So, last time: Batman developed an interest in Hairy Stu because of a drawing, the Void was ridiculously Formless, and then the fic regurgitated its own plot. Twice.

I’ve been digging through my notes for someone I can riff with who I won’t strangle, but for the moment, I’ll just go on my own. No use in rambling any further, let’s get down to business.

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