1422: Arkham Asylum – Chapter Two

Title: Arkham Asylum
Author: hathanhate
Media: Comics
Topic: Batman
Genre: Adventure/Hurt/Comfort
URL: Chapter 3
Critiqued by batjamags and Security Chief McCarthy

Counters as of last chapter:

Gary Stu Count: 2

Hello once again, patrons! I’m your guest host (seriously, just don’t think about that) BatJamags, and we’re back for more of the creatively-named Arkham Asylum. Kane, handle the previous chapters.

Kane: *Voice reverberating from an unknown location* Previously, on Arkham Asylum. Our esteemed author vomited a pretentious sequence of words onto a page, forming what could generously be termed a poem. This poem’s primary purpose was to emphasize the TRAJEDY of our hairy friend’s life. Despite the man’s total inaction, the Joker then took an immediate interest in him, and helped him to escape from the titular institution in a fit of character derailment on the clown’s part and one of Stuness on the hair blob’s part.

Thanks Kane! Now, get in here and help me riff.

Kane: No.

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