2796: Stupidity – Oneshot

Title: Stupidity
Author:  Mauveskydiver55
Media: Movie
Topic: Star Wars
Genre: Sci-Fi/Adventure
URL: Stupidity
Critiqued by TacoMagic and Crunchy

Hey patrons!  Happy day after May the Fourth!  Since I’m technically writing this on the day in question, I figured I’d dig up a terrible little Star Wars one-shot to celebrate in my own little way.

And, as tradition dictates-

“Why must you insist upon tormenting me, odious monkey?”

Unno, something to pass the time.  Summary!

Stupidity. It’s a trait that many quarries of the legendary bounty hunter Boba Fett seem to have.

I can dig that.

Eh?  Eeeeeh?

*Mauled by raptor*

Then again, just attempting to run is considered stupidity.

“Only inasmuch as trying to prolong one’s pointless existence is foolhardy.”

Because when it comes to running from Fett, you’ll only die tired.

“Implying that the only way to flee would require physical exertion.”

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2795: Halo: the Art of War – Chapter 3

Title: Halo: the Art of War [sic]
Author: Havoc-legionnaire
Media: Video Game
Topic: Halo
Genre: Sci-Fi / Adventure
URL: Chapter 3
Critiqued by: BadJamags AdmiralJamags and GoodJamags Commissar Gud Earthenus Jamags

Hello hello all you patrons, and-

Hang on.

*Turns to GoodJamags, who is now dressed in a suit that doesn’t seem to be cut for human anatomy at all*

What happened to TroyJamags?

“Don’t worry about it. We’re doing this now.”

… Uh, OK then. Anyway, in the last couple chapters, we dedicated a considerable amount of wordcount to the Covenant not learning anything and not doing anything, which would make sense if, as the summary indicates, that scene were a critical point of divergence from canon. But then Catherine Halsey and some OC twirled mustaches at each other for a while several years earlier. Apparently, the SPARTAN-III program got shut down years before it did in canon and was replaced by a similarly oddly early SPARTAN-IV program, neither of which is at all related to the Covenant not discovering Reach or to Operation: RED FLAG going ahead.

“We resume our disclaimer in progress.”

Disclaimer: I cannot believe that I still have to say this, but Halo is all 343 Industry’s. Any lawsuits would get you at most one of my doomsday devices.

“That feels like a big ‘at most’ to me. Does that feel like a big ‘at most’ to you?”

Nah, I’ve got several of those lying around.

A/N: And yes, once again a good deal of this is lifted from Fall of Reach. This should be the last chapter I do that. And also note that I’m going to be using the books for most plot items (the location of the Pillar of Autumn during her time at Reach for example).

Welp, here we go again.

Your mission is simple: you are going to capture one of these prophets alive.” – Col. George Yang

“That’s not that simple.”

We’re also doing the “quote from the chapter stuck at the top like it’s somehow meaningful” thing again.

“Same guy, too.”

Stu, man. Stu.

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2790: Halo: the Art of War – Chapters 1 and 2

Title: Halo: the Art of War [sic]
Author: Havoc-legionnaire
Media: Video Game
Topic: Halo
Genre: Sci-Fi / Adventure
URL: Chapters 1 and 2
Critiqued by: BadJamags AdmiralJamags and GoodJamags JLT. TroyJamags

Hello hello all you patrons! We’re heading into some uncharted territory starting this week with a terrible HFY fic!

*GoodJamags shambles in, wearing poorly-fitting armor suspiciously resembling that of a UNSC Marine Corps Junior Lieutenant*

“But AdmiralJamags, haven’t we done a million of these?”

… Where did you-

“Don’t ask, just follow the script.”

Uh, OK. As I was saying, I don’t think we’ve actually done a pure Halo HFY fic just yet. And that’s a little surprising, given how much influence seems to bleed into Mass Effect HFY from Halo.

Anyway, this thing is one of the TVTropes Fanfic Recommendation Page’s Greatest Hits, so let’s try it on for size. Roll the summary!

AU. One small divergence, the smallest of errors, and the balance of fate tips. It is 2552. Reach is spared, for now. Operation Red Flag goes forth. The Covenant will learn that this war that they have started 27 years ago have only just begun.

Well, grammar errors in the summary are always a great sign.

Now, I do have to put a caveat on this that this is based on some expanded universe material that I haven’t actually read, so I may need some help here, but I get the impression it’s kind of wandering off to do its own insane thing.

“All that out of the way, let’s hit the fic:”


Oh, sorry. Let’s hit the disclaimer.

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2787: Warframe X the Roswell Incident – Oneshot

Title: Warframe X the Roswell Incident
Author: UriGellersBane
Topic: Warframe
Media: Video Game
Genre: Sci-Fi/Romance
URL: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13855250/1/Warframe-X-The-Rosswell-incident
Critiqued By Crazy Minh and Col. Wade

Hello, patrons, and welcome! I’m your guest riffer Crazy Minh, and this oneshot marks the beginning of a short vacation from riffing Wings of the Elite. Now, we’ve already had a Warframe fic on the riffing block prior to this, albeit quite a while ago. While I won’t be doing a full infodump on the game, I will be stopping at some points to attempt to clarify on what I think this fic’s author is attempting to say. This fanfic is- by all measures of probability- a troll fic, seeing as the author’s account is pretty fresh (like, from the information on the profile page, it was created less than a day before the fic was released onto the internet), and the fic’s premise says a lot, really. In fact, as of this writing, the story was published less than ten minutes ago. I got it fresh off the badfic press. Here’s the summary:

Vauban and Protea have sex while helping the Alliz win WW-2 after they crash in Roswell and cause the Roswell Incident. What will happen

I should probably start with an infodump on what the author is talking about. Vauban and Protea are two of the Warframes featured in the game. Vauban (who I main) is built around the use of traps for crowd control. He can throw out up to four rolling drones that can independently seek out and stunlock enemies to death with electrical charges, hurl four types of specialized trap grenades, call down an orbital particle beam, and deploy a field that suspends enemies in midair while stripping their armour. Historically, Vauban has been one of the less viable frames to play, given that crowd control has never really been the meta outside of defence and survival missions. However, he was given a rework a while ago that made him significantly more competitive against DPS frames, and he’s now pretty solid. 

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2766: Wings of the Elite, Interlude Three and Chapter Nine

Title: Wings of the Elite
Author: [Redacted at the author’s request]
Topic: Elite Dangerous
Media: Video Game
Genre: Adventure/Sci-fi
URL: No longer available online
Critiqued By Crazy Minh and CMDR Ramnos Ervin

Hello, patrons, and welcome back to Wings of the Elite. This installment would have been out sooner, but a friend of my family died tragically early in February while I was working on this, and I ended up in a bit of a funk for two or three weeks. 

Anyway, with me yet again is Commander Ramnos Ervin, who will be providing a short recap of the last chapter. Ramnos?

Last chapter, Harper Sue went for a drive in the formerly broken SRV; the shapeshifting Thargoid assassin showed up, and went for a spacewalk; and the Thargoid just decided not to kill Harper despite her being trapped inside the wreck of the SRV that she rammed into the Thargoid. The Thargoid was apparently unwounded from this, so there’s no real reason why he shouldn’t have used his plasma rifle to kill Harper once and for all. Oh, and Harper started ripping up her SRV to jury rig something

Alright! Let’s get started on chapter nine…wait a minute, what the fuck is this?

Interlude 3: The Hunt

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