2443: Slender – Oneshot

Title: Slender
Author: TheWanderingSaint
Media: Video Game
Topic: Slender: The Eight Pages
Genre: Horror/Supernatural
URL: Chapter 1
Critiqued by Ghostcat




Hello, dear Patrons, and welcome to my first Spooktober offering! Which, to absolutely no one’s surprise, is a Slender Man fic. It’s not a tentacle rape fic, though, even though I had an embarrassment of riches to pull from.

Let’s take a look at the summary to see why this one drew my attention.

Can anyone escape the beast known as Slender Man? Oneshot. I know this story is everywhere, but it’s supposed to be chaotic. Whether or not I succeeded is up to you.

Good to see you’re setting the bar low early, author.

Perhaps it’s just the old tabletop gamer in me, but any time I see someone claim they’re going to be going “chaotic” it usually makes me think they are going to try to get away with doing whatever the hell they want and then blame any inconsistencies in behaviour on their alignment.

I never should have let him out of his cage! I sprinted down the hallway. I could feel him behind me.

…I might have grabbed one of the Slendtai fics by mistake.

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2438: The Legend of Zelda: Jurassic Encounters – Chapter 1 – Oneshot

Title: The Legend of Zelda: Jurassic Encounters
Author: Haninator
Media: Movie/Game
Topic: Legend of Zelda/Jurassic Park/Kitchen Sink
Genre: Adventure/Horror
URL: Chapter 1
Critiqued by Ghostcat




Hello, dear Patrons!

As the wonderful wonkiness that is my previous fic hasn’t updated yet, I’ve decided to squeeze in a oneshot before embarking on our traditional Spooktober festivities – which for me usually means Slendpai fics. I can’t say that there won’t be sexy Slendpai shenanigans, because I haven’t actually picked out my fics yet, but I also can’t not say there won’t be sexy shenanigans because sweet mercy do people love writing Slendpai tentacle rape fics.

So. Many. Tentacles.

And on that note, let’s take a look at the summary for this fic, which does not have any tentacle rape in it. I think. It’s been a while since I read through it.

A familiar story with a fun twist and a character from another world. What could possibly go wrong. All dialogue is my creation. The story is mine, the characters aren’t… with the exception of select few. Rated T for flesh-ripping dinos.

That doesn’t sound all that bad … Wait, flesh-ripping dinos? I thought this was supposed to be a Zelda fic?


:suddenly a ninja that was always there appears:

I think you brought me the wrong fic, this is supposed to be a Zelda fic.


Crossover? With … WHAT?!?

So it appears that someone wrote a Legend of Zelda/Jurassic Park crossover, which is the second-weirdest crossover I’ve ever heard of.

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2433: My true truth expose on Hermione Jean Granger – Chapter 2

Title: My true truth expose on Hermione Jean Granger
Author: jkrowlingreal
Media: Book/Movie
Topic: Harry Potter
Genre: Suspense
URL: Chapter 2
Critiqued by The Librarian formerly known as Satan’s Teacup




Hello, dear Patrons, and welcome to the next chapter of what will undoubtedly be a rollercoaster ride into Crazy Town. The first chapter’s ‘narration’ portion was largely an unmarked Author’s Note from dear ol’ JK for the most part, so here’s hoping there is some actual fic somewhere in this fic.

Harry and Hermione confront their problems…

Presumably these problems center completely on how they aren’t allowed to have sex with each other because the whole convoluted “cousins via godparent” thing caused by Harry’s godfather being the brother of Hermione’s father instead of them legitimately being related because their mothers were sisters.

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2427: My true truth expose on Hermione Jean Granger – Chapter 1

Title: My true truth expose on Hermione Jean Granger
Author: jkrowlingreal
Media: Book/Movie
Topic: Harry Potter
Genre: Suspense
URL: Chapter 1
Critiqued by Ghostcat Satan’s Teacup





Happy Friday the Thirteenth, dear Patrons, and welcome to a brand new fic! I had sort of planned to start working on a long-ish Skyrim wankfic, but then changed my mind since I would have to cut it off for our annual Spooktober. You will sadly have to wait to read about the conflict between the Fempire and those rebellious Stormclits. Today’s fic is still a work in progress, as I’m writing this a fresh chapter has just been posted a few hours ago, so it is bound to get longer but I don’t mind breaking it up. Now, I don’t normally work of fics that are in-progress just by personal preference, but this one is just a very wibbly-wobbly ball of wack-assery that is practically the embodiment of an onion of failure.

Let’s take a look at the summary; which, for once, is not what drew me to the fic but still waves many red flags.

This is the truth about the first draft I’ve written about the characters of my Harry Potter stories and I would’ve preferred to publish every first draft instead of what is currently on the market so I will rewrite and refine the first drafts, to have the real genetics and the magical laws involved like how I prefer my stories to be realistic than fantasy.

First off – that is all one sentence. Yikes. Secondly, this is a series with physics-breaking magic happening on the regs yet the ‘real’ author of the series claims to prefer realism over fantasy.


And I seriously doubt any halfway decent author would ever claim that they wanted to publish their first drafts. First drafts are frickin’ nightmares. I also find it funny that the author claims to want to publish the first drafts, but in the same sentence says that they are going to “rewrite and refine” those first drafts – a process normally referred to as ‘editing’ which would make them no longer first drafts.

As you might be able to tell, the author claims repeatedly, both in the fic and in their bio, that they are the real JK Rowling. They will not shut up about how they are, for real and for true, the legitimate person known as JK Rowling. In fact, there are only two fics in their profile, this one and what is essentially a long Author’s Note claiming that they are the real JK Rowling among other rambling nonsense including the “fact” that there are special American police departments (and British Bobby departments) specifically set up to track down fanfic authors’ names and addresses so that the owners of the intellectual properties can send them cease and desist letters for not adhering to the canon pairings. Because that’s definitely something Generic Police Dept officers spend their time doing.

On to the fic! Which starts off with an Author’s Note.

AN: This is the real Joanne Kathleen Rowling, or known as J.K. Rowling, and yes I am the real deal and all.

Welp, I’m finally convinced. It’s not like total dumbasses can’t go around on completely anonymous sites like ff.net and claim to be whomever they want. I couldn’t, I don’t know, just change my username to Satan’s Teacup without the Internet Police checking to make sure I was, in fact, crockery owned by the devil.

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2420: A walk in the woods-slender x reader- – Oneshot

Title: A walk in the woods-slenderxreader-
Author: sadistictriangle
Media: Video Game/Creepypasta
Topic: Slender
Genre: Romance
URL: Chapter 1
Critiqued by Ghostcat







Hello, dear Patrons!

I’ve been out of town in Georgia for a con for the last few days, so I decided to hunt up a quick oneshot instead of trying to start something big. And, as luck would have it, SC posted a Slender Man reaction gif in the Secret Clubhouse that made me think “Hey, I haven’t worked on a Slender Man fic in a while, I should go see what I can find.” which means that, in a roundabout way, this is all SC’s fault.

Now to take a look at the summary!

 blarb. this is my first fanfiction. it is about slendy and you. it gets lemonish, so be warned.

…I immediately regret my life decisions. And now I have to go put a warning in the header and send an apology gift basket to Whirlybat.

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