1911: A customary waffles to an isolated existence – One Shot (Chapters 1 – 8)

Title: A customary waffles to an isolated existence
Author: Hamiltonlover2002
Media: Books/Musicals/Fanfiction
Topic: Harry Potter/Hamilton/My Immortal
Genre: Humor and Romance
URL:  Chapter One
Critiqued by Angie

It gets worse!

Welcome back, guys, gals and non-binary pals and I’m reviewing the long awaited sequel to “A spiritual waffles after an isolate existence”. This was written more than a year after the original because it’s clearly a story that needed to be continued. This sequel is significantly shorter, clocking in at just under seven hundred words, where the original was around sixteen hundred. Keep in mind these are both several chapters long. It’s also significantly worse, seeing as the grammar quality took a massive nose dive.

(Note: When I copied this onto Google Docs, it rounded out to one and a half pages. This is going to be mighty fun.)

Let’s begin.

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1903: A spiritual waffles after an isolate existence – One Shot (But it’s actually 10 chapters)

Title: A spiritual waffles after an isolate existence
Author: Hamiltonlover2002
Media: Book/Musical/TV Show/Fanfiction
Topic: Harry Potter/Hamilton/Sherlock/Possibly My Immortal/Supernatural/Kitchen Sink
Genre: Tragedy/Supernatural
URL: Chapter One
Critiqued by Angie

Prologue lolz:

*takes a long drink of blood from a bottle she has* Alright, I guess I might as well search for fics to review so I have work set out for me after I finish Unknown Origins. Mmm…*clicks on a fanfiction*

…this can’t wait.

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1892: Unknown Origins – Chapter One, Part Five

Title: Unknown Origins
Author: Cyberweasel89
Media: Video Games
Topic: Fallout: New Vegas
Genre: Adventure and Romance
URL: Chapter One
Critiqued by Hiraani and Queen Malieasha of Jacelajoglia


Queenie: *knocks on Hiraani’s bedroom door* Lady?

*grumbles something not understandable*

Queenie: *opens door* Hiraani, we’ve got to review the fic.

*grumbles again, covers head with sheets, face sinking into pillow*

Queenie: I know you’re hungover, but we’ve got to keep going.

*begrudgingly gets up* Fine. Last time…*Hiraani is at a blank* What happened last time?

Queenie: Doesn’t matter. Let’s read it.

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1886: Unknown Origins – Chapter One, Part Five

Title: Unknown Origins
Author: Cyberweasel89
Media: Video Games
Topic: Fallout: New Vegas
Genre: Adventure and Romance
URL: Unknown Origins – Chapter One
Critiqued by Hiraani and Queen Malieasha of Jacelajoglia
Queenie: Hello, lovelies! Welcome back to Unknown Origins. Last time, Hiraani continued to be a Sally Stick-In-The-Mud…

I’ve never hated myself more than I do right now.

Queenie: …Unknown Origins continued to be a blight on both of our sanities…


*waves arms around, distressed. Swallows Toaster Strudel* Exactly! <i>Exactly!</i> In fact, come to think of it—Dr. Mitchell should have given her medication to begin with! He’s an incompetent doctor! Stupid stupid stupid!

Queenie: These past few riffs are the angriest I’ve ever seen you and it’s great.


Queenie: And the Sue continued to be a Sue. Nothing much has changed.

Let’s continue on.

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1880: Unknown Origins – Chapter One, Part Four

Title: Unknown Origins
Author: Cyberweasel89
Media: Video Games
Topic: Fallout: New Vegas
Genre: Adventure and Romance
URL: Chapter One
Critiqued by Hiraani and Queen Malieasha of Jacelajoglia

Queenie: Hello, dear ones! Welcome back to Unknown Origins.

Welcome back to Everything Sucks: Part Nine. *continues stuffing mouth with Toaster Strudels*

Queenie: Also, Angie decided to drop Coffin Rock to devote her time to watching us suffer.

Angie: *from the other room* That’s not what I said, and you know it. But thank you for trying.

Queenie: No problem. Anyhow, when we last left off, we met Sunny Smiles, Chet continued to be a pervert beyond belief, and Hiraani had a mental breakdown.

What do you mean, had?

Queenie: Oh, but before we go on. Happy almost Halloween!

We were so close.

Queenie: Hiraani, what are you dressed up as?

I am glad you asked. I dressed up as First Lady Nancy Reagan to honor—

Queenie: I dressed up as a queen. So.


Queenie: Let’s continue on.

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